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Timothy C. May aka Tim May. Jeden z założycieli ruchu cypherpunks.

- Cyphernomicon
- The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto
- Cyberspace more hospitable to ideas of liberty and crypto anarchy
- Untraceable Digital Cash, Information Markets, and BlackNet
- A Hundred Years of Crypto Anarchy
Nick Szabo napisał:Tim May was my chief cypherpunk inspiration. His vision is of a cyberspace free from government oppression. I was further blessed to be able to hang out with him and kvetch about our crazy world. Will miss you greatly Tim!
Tim May - Cypherpunks co-Founder, Discoverer of Radiation-Induced Single Event Upsets in Integrated Circuits, Uncompromising Firearms Proponent
Word has reached me that my dear friend, co-conspirator in many things and for many years, fellow Freedom Fighter Tim May passed away earlier this week at his home in Corralitos, California.
Tim May co-founded the Cypherpunks, perhaps the single most effective pro-cryptography grassroots organization in history, together with Eric Hughes and John Gilmore in 1992 against the backdrop of draconian anti-cryptography efforts promulgated by the Clinton I Administration.