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WIPLER I Kaczyński stanowcze NIE imigrantom z Afryki i Bliskiego Wschodu w Polsce
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O ile mi wiadomo to ludzi tam przesiedlili... czy ktoś tych arabów przymusowo przesiedla?co nie zmienia faktu że w 45 osiedliła sie tam polska dzicz...
Szlachta z Lwowa śląska klucho a nie nie zmienia faktu że w 45 osiedliła sie tam polska dzicz...
Co cię tak bawi?
Słuchałeś Kaczego ze zrozumieniem?WIPLER I Kaczyński stanowcze NIE imigrantom z Afryki i Bliskiego Wschodu w Polsce
To jest polski premier ????
A czego? Syrio-Serbii???Dramatyczny apel Polaków z Mariupola: Jesteśmy gotowi sprzątać w Polsce ulice
Kopacz powiedziała niedawno tym Polakom NIE A Arabom mówi TAK
To jest polski premier ????
Dla mnie przede wszystkim ważne są dwie rzeczy:Dramatyczny apel Polaków z Mariupola: Jesteśmy gotowi sprzątać w Polsce ulice
Kopacz powiedziała niedawno tym Polakom NIE A Arabom mówi TAK
Dramatyczny apel Polaków z Mariupola: Jesteśmy gotowi sprzątać w Polsce ulice
Kopacz powiedziała niedawno tym Polakom NIE A Arabom mówi TAK
To jest polski premier ????
Szlachta ze Lwowa skończyła w kazamatach NKWD, a jak jakimś cudem komuś się uwinęło to odpadł w drugiej rundzie z Gestapo. To co wyeksportowano na zachód to byli wieśniacy tkwiący nadal w średniowieczu. Kiedyś, za młodu, za kilka złotych sprawdzałem pracę naukową w tym temacie i wynikało z niej, że na zachód trafił tylko jeden arystokrata, którego nie odjebali ani jedni, ani drudzy, bo był opóźniony i traktowano go jako błazna, to jakiś twój krewny?Szlachta z Lwowa śląska klucho a nie dzicz.
Co cię tak bawi?
Będą pracować, tylko najpierw ktoś musi ich przywieźć, dać mieszkanie i trochę kasy na startKilkaset tysięcy Ukraińców w Polsce pracuje, nikt ich za rączkę nie przyprowadzał.
Uwazaj Arturek, JKM strasznie "lewaczy" o uchodzcach. Czy ty aby na pewno chcesz isc z nim w marszach?
"Polska jako taka jest wstanie przyjac, jesli 10 tys. uchodzcow czyli 5 tys. rodzin mniej wiecej...2 tys rodzin, zechce sie umiescic po jednej w kazdej gminie to nikt tego nawet nie zauwazy, beda radosnie przyjeci"
HI... Apologies for writing in English, but I would like to share with you like minded people something about Blacks and their influence on a Society.
I am from South Africa (RPA) the "rape capital" of the world. My home country has a population, at last count, of 51m people, and is considered as one of the most densely populated countries in the world, and one of the most dangerous.
That said, the census should not be taken seriously, as the Government Statistics have been altered in the past to suit them. Also, the persons involved in doing the census are mostly black and lazy. Independent organizations reckon our actual population is closer to 60m because they don't care to count the people in the country side and more rural areas.
Out of that 51m people, 80% is black, 9% coloured (mixed race), 8% white, and the rest Indian and Asian.
Now, that is "official" numbers, but I can tell you that in real life it's completely different. It's less than 4% of that, and we are immigrating in mass numbers.
Official sources in the UK and US, call our migration out of RPA as the same as when people flee a natural disaster or war zone. It is estimated that there is already close to a 300000 in Australia, and around 800000 in the UK alone.
That is also old figures, we have a term in South Africa for whites, "Packing for Perth" as most white South Africans living in SA have plans to immigrate to Australia, and Perth in general.
We have set up companies in South Africa assisting with the whole process of immigrating. They apply for your visas and permits, relocation logistics etc.
This is all because of Blacks and nothing else!
Most people leave the country because of the high crime rate. It is reported that +-50 women are raped everyday. That is police reports, and not accurate once again, because the police is run by blacks with no integrity. It is estimated that the actual number is more that 100 women.
Murder figures are high as well, with more than 50 people killed everyday, mostly for nothing. Sometimes even a small thing as a mobile phone.
99% of these crimes are committed by Blacks.
Crime is so bad that our police stations have started hiring private armed security firms to protect the police stations. These security forces employ retired Special Forces Military men, and equip them with Automatic Rifles.
Whites are so afraid that you will not leave your house without a gun. Most white households have more than 2 registered guns, im most cases more.
My house was fitted with the following to protect from intruders (blacks): 8 feet high walls with high voltage electric fencing, the same standard as what they use to control game farms, infra red beams around the house, cctv cameras at the door and gates, motion detectors inside house and outside, and heat sensors for additional measures.
In the house we would have security gates to cut the living areas off form the bedrooms, so that if someone comes in, they can't get to your room.
They hate whites and will murder them for no apparent reason, and the government is doing noting about it. One of our main political leaders actually encourage the murder of white Africans, saying in public: one bullet one boer (white south african). And everytime he says that, there will be a farm murder where they follow almost a set procedure. They torture and rape the wife in front of the husband, cut her with knives and burn her. The husband is then tortured and gets shot in the head.
And the worst part is, they don't do it as part of a robbery or anything, they just murder.
My own family was taken hostage by 5 black men and was taken into a field where they threatened to rape my sister if my father would give them his credit cards and car. They were held hostage for 5 hours.
So you can see why most of us are leaving, because there is no future in that country as long as it's under black control.
And this is just the start of it.