Donald Trump: nadzieja libertarian...czy Amerykanski Kukiz?

Czy Donald Trump jest nadzieja na libertarianskie zmiany w USA?

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Kawi... wydaje mi się, że za bardzo zaangażowałeś się emocjonalnie w te wybory...

Wiesz, tu nie chodzi o Trumpa. Chodzi o Sąd Najwyższy. Jak wygra Hillarzyca, to SN zostanie zabetonowany skrajnym lewactwem, w dodatku antygunowym. Trump jest bardzo blisko z ludźmi od Breitbarta, którzy podsuwają mu kandydatury (szef tego portalu kieruje jego kampanią). Mówi się o Adrew Napolitano, pada też nazwisko Petera Thiela (jak Trump ich mianuje, będzie to historyczne wydarzenie - dwóch libertarian w SN).

father Tucker

egoista, marzyciel i czciciel chaosu
2 337
6 528
Bo wiadomo powszechnie, nie libertarianie to nieudacznicy i tylko lewakom udają się biznesy.

Miliarderem raczej nie zostajesz dzięki własnej ciężkiej uczciwej pracy tylko dzięki układom z państwem i zamówieniom publicznym. Fakt, że są bogaci libertarianie, ale chyba tylko John McAfee jest hardcorowym libem z prawdziwego zdarzenia. Ewentualnie możemy dorzucić tutaj braci Kochów albo Elona Muska.


A fronte praecipitium a tergo lupi
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Trump vows to jail Clinton over emails if he wins White House

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump vowed on Sunday to put his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton in jail if he wins the White House next month because she operated a private email server while U.S. secretary of state.

Trump said he would appoint a special prosecutor to look into the matter because she had endangered national security while she served as President Barack Obama's chief diplomat from 2009-2013.

"You ought to be ashamed of yourself," Trump said to Clinton during a town-hall debate. Clinton said it was good that Trump was not in the White House given his temperament, leading him to reply: "Because you would be in jail."

Trump also said he was embarrassed by a video in which he made obscene comments about groping women without consent, but dismissed it as "locker room talk."

Trump, who is facing a party rebellion over the 2005 video that emerged on Friday, said former President Bill Clinton had done worse to women. "Mine are words and his are action," he said. He also accused Bill Clinton of going on the attack against women who had alleged sexual misconduct by her husband.

>Clinton said Trump's comments showed he was unfit for the White House.

>”He has said the video doesn’t represent who he is but I think it’s clear to anyone who heard it that it represents exactly who he is," Clinton said.

A flood of Republicans have withdrawn their support for Trump over the video showing the businessman, then a reality TV star, talking on an open microphone about groping women and trying to seduce a married woman.

The controversy has pitched Trump, 70, into the biggest crisis of his 16-month-old campaign and deepened fissures between him and establishment Republicans with only a month to go to the Nov. 8 election.

Trump met just hours before the debate on Sunday with three women who had accused Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct and a fourth woman who was a victim in a rape case that Hillary Clinton participated in as a defense attorney. All four sat in the first row of the audience at the debate.

Before the debate, Trump had threatened he was going to attack Bill Clinton for his marital infidelities in response to criticism from Hillary Clinton that the Republican nominee is a misogynist who has a history of mistreating women.

Trump appeared with Paula Jones, who filed a sexual harassment suit against Bill Clinton in 1991, Juanita Broaddrick, who accused Bill >Clinton of rape in 1978, and Kathleen Willey, a former White House aide who accused Bill Clinton of groping her in 1993.

None of the accusations was new. Bill Clinton was never charged in any of the cases, and he settled a sexual harassment suit with one of the women, Paula Jones, for $850,000 with no apology or admission of guilt.

Also at the event was Kathy Shelton, who was raped at the age of 12. Hillary Clinton, a practicing attorney at the time, defended the rapist who ultimately pleaded guilty to a reduced charge.

Read more here:


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Fajna debata. I dziwnie się z tym czuję wiedząc jaki z niego zamordysta, ale to chyba jedyny polityk którego lubię słuchać dla przyjemności słuchania. Dłużyzny, mielizny czy zastoje zdarzają mu sie bardzo rzadko. Wie co i jak powiedzieć płynnie i w punkt. Gdybyż JKM tak umiał...


antyhumanista, anarchista bez flagi
1 412
4 450
A Kelthuz się podniecał, że Trump tak bardzo konserwatywny, że nawet nie pali papierosów i nie pije kawy. I komu tu wierzyć, bardowi wolności, czy księżniczce Alderaanu?


sprzedawca niszowych etosów
Członek Załogi
8 902
25 811
To nie koniec! Akcja floydowego bólu dupy rozkręca się jeszcze bardziej.

Pink Floyd superstar goes nuclear on Trump
Fills California concert with graphic anti-Donald images, lyrics

Published: 18 hours ago
Roger Waters, one of the founding members of the legendary rock band Pink Floyd, is now going all out to vilify Donald Trump, turning his most recent concert into a diatribe against the Republican nominee for president.

Sunday night, as Trump was squaring off in St. Louis against Hillary Clinton in the second presidential debate, the now solo Waters hammered Trump with graphically unflattering lyrics and imagery at the Desert Trip music festival in Indio, California.

While performing his 1970s hit “Pigs,” Waters floated a balloon with a skull-faced Trump that featured messages stating, “Ignorant, lying, racist, sexist, pig” and “F— Donald Trump and his wall.”

On giant video screens behind the singer, a variety of anti-Trump images were displayed, including animations of the GOP candidate saluting like Hitler, vomiting, wearing a Ku Klux Klan hood, giving oral sex to a banana, and exposing his genitals.

He sang lyrics to match the imagery, “Big man, pig man, ha ha, charade you are.”

When controversial comments made by Trump were displayed to the crowd, giant letters flashed across the big screen reading “Trump is a pig.”

As Waters played “Mother” from “The Wall” album and sang the line, “Mother, should I trust the government?,” the screen trumpeted the words “NO F—ING WAY.”

See video of Rogers Waters mocking Trump in song:

Taking a shot at Trump’s push to build a giant barrier along the U.S.-Mexico border, Waters brought 15 school-age children onstage for his rendition of “Another Brick in the Wall (Part II).” The kids wore T-shirts reading, “Derriba el muro,” Spanish for “Tear down the wall.”

The 73-year-old singer-songwriter also mentioned the Black Lives Matter movement to the audience, which was described by Yahoo News as “overwhelmingly white.”

As he sang “Us and Them,” the giant screen flashed pictures of protest signs reading “White silence is violence” and “I cannot believe I still have to protest this [expletive].”

Other hits in Waters’ set included “Comfortably Numb,” “Time,” ”Money,” ”Wish You Were Here” and “Dark Side of the Moon.”

Waters said he’s been working with wounded warriors in Washington, D.C., and he brought Capt. Greg Galeazzi, a U.S. Army veteran who lost both his legs in Afghanistan, onstage to play lead guitar with the band on “Shine on You Crazy Diamond.”

“Working with these men has been one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done in my life,” Waters said, according to Haaretz.

Near the end of his performance, Waters expressed support for the BDS movement, which calls for boycotts and sanctions against Israel.

“I’m going to send out all of my most heartfelt love and support to all those young people on the campuses of the universities of California who are standing up for their brothers and sisters in Palestine and supporting the BDS movement,” he said, “in the hope that we may encourage the government of Israel to end the occupation.”


libnet- kowidiańska tuba w twojej piwnicy!
4 777
13 009
Głupi jednak ten Waters, ale nawet nie dlatego, że tak okrutnie sra płomieniem z dupy, jeno z powodu zaangażowania w cyrk dla mas, jakim są wybory w USA. Myślałem, że ten niegdyś przenikliwy umysł, wie o co cho z zasadą "DZIEL I RZĄDŹ".
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