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Już zmieniłem post, nie chciałem wchodzić w rozmowę o kościele. Ale widzę, że odświeżałeś stronę co 3 sekundy czekając na odpowiedź. xD
Zbieg okoliczności [emoji6]Już zmieniłem post, nie chciałem wchodzić w rozmowę o kościele. Ale widzę, że odświeżałeś stronę co 3 sekundy czekając na odpowiedź. xD
Although this was a hard decision with considerable internal disagreement over the proper approach to take, Stacy Litz is no longer a member of the staff of, or otherwise involved with, the Center for a Stateless Society. The Center has terminated the position of social media specialist previously occupied by Ms. Litz. However the future status of Students for a Stateless Society is resolved, so long as it is affiliated with C4SS in any way, Ms. Litz will not be associated with it. The Center has no plans to employ her in a paid or volunteer capacity.
The revelation of Ms. Litz’s involvement with the police is deeply troubling to the Center board, as it should be to anyone who values freedom. Although this action is not a punitive measure directed against Ms. Litz and we wish her well in her desire to redeem herself, the Center believes it is vital that all those interacting with it be confident that they will not be put at risk in any way by undisclosed involvement with the state on the part of any one associated with the Center.
Please consider donating to the legal support fund for the three people Ms. Litz informed on. You can make an online donation at: https://www.fundraise.com/deanna-aeanad/help-victims-of-stacy-litzs-informant-work.
While attending Drexel University, Stacy and her friends buy a whole bunch of MDMA off of Silk Road to use and sell.
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