Zapodaj coś ciekawego


A ja propsuje mydło do golenia, pędzel i ręcznie robioną pianę:) Zajmuje to niewiele więcej czasu, niż żel/pianka, a mam wrażenie, że o wiele lepszy poślizg jest.


sprzedawca niszowych etosów
Członek Załogi
8 902
25 803
Testosteron zrehabilitowany...

Testosterone leads to fairness, not aggression: researchers
CBC News Posted: Dec 08, 2009 12:50 PM ET Last Updated: Dec 08, 2009 2:42 PM ET
Testosterone doesn't cause people to become aggressive or risky as many people believe but actually encourages fairness, European researchers say.

Researchers at the University of Zurich and Royal Holloway, University of London conducted a study of 120 women and found that testosterone promoted fairness in a bargaining game.

The women took part in a game to determine the distribution of real money, where both fair and unfair offers were allowed. The partner in this negotiation could either accept the offer or decline it, but if no agreement was reached, neither person would receive any money.

Before the game, the women were given either a dose of testosterone or a placebo. (Women were chosen for the experiment because the physiological effects of artificial testosterone are better understood in women than in men.)

"If one were to believe the common opinion, we would expect subjects who received testosterone to adopt aggressive, egocentric and risky strategies regardless of the possibly negative consequences on the negotiation process," said Christoph Eisenegger of the University of Zurich in a statement.

Instead, the study, published this week in Nature, found that women who received the testosterone behaved more fairly and had fewer conflicts in their negotiations.

However, the women who thought they had received the hormone, whether they did or not, behaved more aggressively and unfairly than those who believed they had received the placebo.

"It appears that it is not testosterone itself that induces aggressiveness but rather the myth surrounding the hormone," said economist Michael Naef of Royal Holloway.

Eisenegger said the experiment suggests that testosterone increases a person's sensitivity to status. In animals with simple social systems, aggressiveness can lead to higher social status, so testosterone leads to aggression.

"In the socially complex human environment, pro-social behavior secures status and not aggression," said Naef.


Inn Ventur

Well-Known Member
Mi się z czystego lenistwa nie chce używać pianki do golenia.
Ja się z czystego lenistwa nie golę w ogóle. Kupiłem sobie kilka lat temu strzyżarkę Philipsa i co tydzień lecę na 3-2mm. Zero zacięć, strzyżenie trwa ~minutę. Zaoszczędziłem przez te lata pewnie kilka tysięcy złotówek i kilkadziesiąt godzin spania.


libnet- kowidiańska tuba w twojej piwnicy!
4 777
13 008
D. Miedwiediew w młodości.




Maciej Ziółkowski (związany z Ambasadą Bitcoin zdaje się) w Anarchast.

"Jeff Berwick in dangerous Anarchapulco interviews Polish bitcoin evangelist Maciek Ziolkowski, topics include: the desire for liberty, liberty in Poland, the Polish Zloty, Russia and Ukraine as neighbors, Jeff's wake-up call from a beautiful Polish girl in a castle, What's up in Poland, the Bitcoin Embassy, smartphones and ATMs legitimize Bitcoin, expected Bitcoin price rise, the power of Bitcoin is in its community, Bitcoin at Anarchapulco."


Ⓐ hultaj
1 915
7 938
12 Crazy Conspiracy Theories That Really Happened
Nr 11 trochę śmieszny - CIA popierało awangardową sztukę

"11. American Modern Art Was Secretly Propaganda
Modern art is incredibly odd, rife with all kinds of weird shapes and lines and general chaos. That, to the CIA’s mind, was a great way to show off how free Americans were.
By promoting modern art abroad, the CIA was indirectly showing off the freedom that American artists enjoyed. No need to stick to a particular government narrative – just go throw paint on a canvas and say it has meaning.
It extended to creating art events, and putting up money for fake collectors to spend on modern art pieces, implying great value. In a long ideological conflict between two superpowers, this movement to discredit the Soviets by artistic contrast was really quite brilliant."


five miles out
8 587
15 491
Długa playlista audio na jutubie - kilkadziesiąt odcinków historii Polski od końca XIX wieku opowiadanej przez śp. prof. Pawła Wieczorkiewicza.

Absolutnie fantastyczne. Niezrównane.

W komentarzach niektórzy pajace narzekają na peruwiańskie dżingle muzyczne ale gówno wiedzą. Realizatorzy z Polskiego Radia wiedzieli co robią. Bez nich słuchacz by zasnął na dłuższą metę.


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5 149
5 113
Jakiś czas temu przesłuchałem całe XD
Z tej samej serii (te same dżingle XD) jest jeszcze cała wcześniejsza historia Polski, tyle że inni lektorzy.


five miles out
8 587
15 491
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