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havegog napisał:Robię to więc w swoim interesie.
Ale się tych stirnerowców namnożyło ostatnio .
havegog napisał:Robię to więc w swoim interesie.
Cokeman napisał:no i o to chodzi
Spokojnie, przyjdzie kiedyś "dzień sznura" i wtedy się okaże kto lepiej wykalkulował co leży w jego interesie Wink
Znacie tego libertarianina?
Pewnie to jakiś wafel co się naczytał moich tesktów o libertariańskim marksiźmieautor artykułu napisał:I chociaż teoretycznie nie ma w tym nic złego, to w polityce chodzi przecież o skuteczność w kształtowaniu rzeczywistości. Bazy, nie nadbudowy.
kawador napisał:Znacie tego libertarianina?
Sam waham się między wstrzymaniem się od głosu a głosowaniem na Jarosława Kaczyńskiego.
http://dyktaturaciemniakow.salon24.pl/1 ... ertarianin
There are some otherwise excellent libertarians who hold their noses at the political process. They think it is somehow incompatible with the non aggression principle, the foundation of our philosophy. Voting just gives "them" sanction, these people think. Well, if so, then libertarians should not use fiat currency to transact grocery purchases, travel on government roads, attend concerts at public theatres, patronize public libraries, parks, museums, teach in, or attend, any public university, or even private one that is subsidized. They should also not eat food, since the government is heavily involved in subsidizing some of it. They should not live in houses, since the statists have heavily involved themselves with building materials. They should eschew … the list goes on and on, and includes every jot and tittle of the economy, so heavily ensconced in it is the state apparatus.
The point is, the modern government is so heavily engaged in ALL facets of our lives. If we really didn’t want to give "sanction" to them, and wanted, also, to be logically consistent, we could not operate in modern society at all. We would have to either go off to live in a self sufficient farm, or commit suicide. Hey, we don’t want to lose our souls, do we?
Some libertarians say that we have a choice regarding whether or not to vote, to support Dr. Paul, whereas we have no choice with regard to any of these other things. Nonsense. No, nonsense on stilts! Human action always includes choice. We are engaging in human action all over the place. Self sufficient farming, and/or suicide ARE choices! This attitude of libertarians is very self destructive. It prevents us from supporting Ron Paul to the extent that would otherwise be the case.
I suggest a remedy for this sort of irrational thinking. It is Murray Rothbard’s "Do you hate the state?" available here. While you’re at it, read this other excellent piece by the same author, about my man Hector. If we really see our political leaders as the gangsters most of them are (there are but a few honorable exceptions to this general rule, certainly including in the modern day You Know Who, and his son, the junior Senator from Kentucky), we will reject this utter nonsense that to engage with them in any way is to be false to libertarianism. If we don’t engage them, in many, many ways, certainly including voting, how will we ever rid ourselves of this pestilence? If we don’t support the greatest advocate of libertarianism now active in behalf of the cause of liberty (hint: You Know Who), we lose the best opportunity we now have to promote this philosophy.
tosiabunio napisał:No, ale oni mają Rona Paula.
Madlok napisał:Głosowanie bez przymusu głosowania, to czynne bezpośrednie usiłowanie zlecenia. A to co wymienił w pierwszym akapicie, to korzystanie z dóbr, a jako wspieranie państwa można to podciągnąć co najwyżej symbolicznie i pośrednio, bo nie łamie to aksjomatu, a głosowanie tak (wg tutejszego admina Macieja Dudka).
Madlok napisał:Najbardziej bezpośrednio w tym poście w zdaniu: 4. Głosowanie na partię w wyborach, która zamierza podnieść podatki jest agresją.
http://libertarianizm.net/thread-1593-p ... l#pid23518