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No tak, a francuski etatyzm swoje....Przeciwko pomysłowi „kawiarni z fellatio” już zaprotestowała francuska grupa sprzeciwiająca się prostytucji Mouvement du Nid. Jej przedstawiciel powiedział gazecie „L'Express”, że lokal, w którym sprzedaje się seks oralny, przyniesie korzyści tylko jego właścicielom. Zresztą, i tak najprawdopodobniej skorzystają oni z burzy informacyjnej, nawet jeśli kawiarnia nie zostanie otwarta.
CINCINNATI (WKRC) - Calling it the worst case she's seen, Judge Leslie Ghiz sentenced a mother to 51-years-to-life in prison for trading sex with her young daughter for heroin. April Corcoran pleaded guilty in June to a number of charges including complicity to rape, trafficking in persons and corrupting another with drugs.
In Hamilton County court, April Corcoran admitted that on four separate occasions she agreed to give her little girl to her drug dealer, who investigators have identified as Shandell Willingham. He faces charges of rape, gross sexual imposition and trafficking in persons.
Each time she was forced to perform a different sex act with him. In an attempt to reward her daughter for performing the sex acts, Corcoran forced the girl to take small doses of heroin against her will.
The girl's grandmother, Sylvia Corcoran, spoke out against Corcoran in court. "I viewed the tape. I saw my granddaughter. I heard her small voice. It was horrific, very horrific. How could she do this? How could she do this? I don't know if my granddaughter is going to be able to have a normal life."
The defense presented an opioid abuse expert but that did not sway Judge Ghiz. She said she had not heard Corcoran ask her daughter for forgiveness.
Corcoran's daughter is living out of state with her father, stepmother and two siblings. Judge Ghiz said that her paperwork says she has suicidal thoughts and is on medication.
Willingham will be back in court on August 10.