Widzę,że łganie to integralna część korwinizmu...Adolf Hitler był drugim, po Józefie Stalinie, europejskim przywódcą, który zalegalizował aborcję
In 1936 the Soviet Union made abortion illegal again, stemming largely from Joseph Stalin’s worries about population growth. The law that outlawed abortion did not only do just that, but rather contained several different decrees. The official title of the law was, “Decree on the Prohibition of Abortions, the Improvement of Material Aid to Women in Childbirth, the Establishment of State Assistance to Parents of Large Families, and the Extension of the Network of Lying-in Homes, Nursery schools and Kindergartens, the Tightening-up of Criminal Punishment for the Non-payment of Alimony, and on Certain Modifications in Divorce Legislation.” All of this was part of Stalin’s initiative to encourage population growth, as well as place a stronger emphasis on the importance of the family unit to communism
I naturalnie nie wspomnieli,że ten sam 'pro-abortion' hitler, zakazał pod karą smierci aborcji na terenie niemiec....
n Nazi Germany, the penalties for abortion were increased again. In 1943, providing an abortion to an "Aryan" woman became a capital offense