akapowy dogmatyk
- 2 703
- 7 121
Powinno isc do dobrych wiadomosci, ale wedlug artykulu lewakow zastapia populistyczne prawaki, wiec wkladam do neutralnych. Ot zamienia na swiecie PO na PiS.
Komenty daja raka:
The admission of Communist China into the WTO was a huge mistake and through currency manipulations, China has been running tremendous trade surpluses with the rest of the world for the past fifteen years. The ascendancy of China has come at the expense of the west. Its rising middle class occurs while the middle class in the western democracies is being hollowed out. This so called globalism is essentially a zero-sum game.
Could it possibly be that a higher-wage country is going to find a more difficult time selling it's products to low-wage countries, but the low-wage countries are going to find new markets for their products in high-wage countries? Under the free trade agreements, a business owner in a high-wage country can move his production to a low-wage country and then bring his now lower-cost products back in to the high-wage country to sell and make an increased profit-margin without having to pay import tariffs. That's great for the business owner; it's great for all the new employee's in the low-wage country, but kinda sux for all the company's high-wage employees who lost their jobs because the jobs were exported to low wage countries.
Czasami tak sobie mysle, ze Bastiat zmarnowal sobie zycie. Pisal i pisal o wolnym handlu a ponad 100 lat po jego smierci i tak wszyscy wieza, ze wolny handel to zlo nalozone na nich przez rzadne kasy elity. Tragedia. Lepiej by Bastiat zrobil jakby spedzil zycie na waleniu konia i paleniu trawy....
Powinno isc do dobrych wiadomosci, ale wedlug artykulu lewakow zastapia populistyczne prawaki, wiec wkladam do neutralnych. Ot zamienia na swiecie PO na PiS.
Komenty daja raka:
The admission of Communist China into the WTO was a huge mistake and through currency manipulations, China has been running tremendous trade surpluses with the rest of the world for the past fifteen years. The ascendancy of China has come at the expense of the west. Its rising middle class occurs while the middle class in the western democracies is being hollowed out. This so called globalism is essentially a zero-sum game.
Could it possibly be that a higher-wage country is going to find a more difficult time selling it's products to low-wage countries, but the low-wage countries are going to find new markets for their products in high-wage countries? Under the free trade agreements, a business owner in a high-wage country can move his production to a low-wage country and then bring his now lower-cost products back in to the high-wage country to sell and make an increased profit-margin without having to pay import tariffs. That's great for the business owner; it's great for all the new employee's in the low-wage country, but kinda sux for all the company's high-wage employees who lost their jobs because the jobs were exported to low wage countries.
Czasami tak sobie mysle, ze Bastiat zmarnowal sobie zycie. Pisal i pisal o wolnym handlu a ponad 100 lat po jego smierci i tak wszyscy wieza, ze wolny handel to zlo nalozone na nich przez rzadne kasy elity. Tragedia. Lepiej by Bastiat zrobil jakby spedzil zycie na waleniu konia i paleniu trawy....