Islam musi zniknąć - Izrael to cywilizacja w morzu barbarzyństwa

Non Serviam

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2 254
0. Tych "innych muzułmanów" w Syrii wspiera całe NATO. Dokształć się.
To bez znaczenia kto ich wspiera, to dalej są muzułmanie. Nawet jeśli uznamy że 500 topowych oficjeli ISIS na prawdę nazywa się John Smith, urodzili się na terenie USA i są agentami CIA których nauczono koranu i umazano nutellą aby wtapiali się w tło, to nie zmienia to w żaden sposób faktu że dziesiątki tysięcy młodych, ordynarnych muzułmanów chwyciło za maczety i postanowiło odrąbywać łby każdemu kto ma choć nieco inne poglądy religijne.

2. WTC to był wg. mnie inside job i tam jest sporo niejasności, a jak już szukać konkretnych tropów to bardziej na Arabię Saudyjską pada. Osamę zajebali Amerykańcy w Pakistanie a nie w Afganistanie i w sumie nie wiadomo czemu, bo mogli go pojmać i osądzić albo wziąć na tortury by wyznał wszystko. Pod WTC aresztowano kilku agentów Mossadu jak tańczyli ze szczęścia gdy 1 i 2 jeszcze się nie zawaliły ale już płonęły.
iksde, pewnie, Pearl Harbor to też inside job, ok niejasności są ale mogą one po prostu wynikać z tego że poszczególne służby próbują tuszować swoje niedbalstwo. To jest z resztą bez sensu, bo USA nie potrzebuje tak na prawdę żadnego Casus Belli tak długo jak
1. wojna nie będzie się toczyć na ich ziemi
2. nie będzie poboru do niej
Ludzie mają wówczas to w dupie tak na prawdę, sporo państw europejskich wjebało się wtedy na bliski wschód w tym i Polska i nie było większych protestów, wystarczy powiedzieć "wysyłamy żołnierzy by potrenowali sobie strzelanie do żywego celu" albo "państwo x to dziura w dupie, podbijemy je bo możemy i huj" (w EU4 ten casus belli nazywa się chyba "imperializm")

Czemu zawaliła się 7 - nawet NIST nie wyjaśnił. Mosadowcy tłumaczyli się pokrętnie w izraelskiej TV. Tam są dziesiątki wątpliwości tego typu. Ryłem w temacie lata temu i mogę głowę dać, że to była ustawka.
Huj wie, może jakieś trzęsienie ziemi albo fala uderzeniowa? Jeżeli by to zaplanowali to raczej nie dopuściliby do takiej klapy, więc jest to raczej dowód na to że był to faktyczny zamach terrorystyczny niż inside job

3. Saddam był sojusznikiem USA jak robił rozpierdol z Iranem i gazował Kurdów, a inwazję na Kuwejt grzecznie konsultował z USA, a oni po prostu wkręcili go i nagle ogłosili wrogiem bo ich wkurwiał za antyizraelską postawę.
Kolejne foliarskie tezy, zieeeew.

Nota bene identycznie pogrywali z sojuszniczym Erdoganem, ale on się nie dał na etapie puczu, a opcja iracka już nie działała. Erdogan to skurwiel który morduje Kurdów i nękał Syrię a teraz Erdogan to sojusznik Rosji która broni Asada. Głupie pizdy mają statusy związku "to skomplikowane", a ich gówno warte życie jest proste w porównaniu z tym.
Erdogan nie dostał w pizdę tylko dlatego że ma za dużą armię i jest potencjalnie potrzebny do wojny z Rosją, nie ma w tym nic dziwnego

Też uważam, że białasy więcej wyrządziły ostatnio krzywd muslimom niż odwrotnie
Pierdolisz jak lewusy. Białasy nic muslimom nie zrobili złego. Każdy ostatni konflikt był zaczynany przez muzułmańskie rozróby, jeśli myślisz że bez interwencji zachodu byłby tam spokój to się w huj mylisz i tyle, można sobie zachodnich rządów nie lubić i uważać ich za hujków ale ty się kurwa łudzisz człowieku że muzułmanie są normalnymi ludźmi - nie kurwa nie są, są 1000x bardziej pokurwieni od naszych łajz


Well-Known Member
Israeli mastermind behind organ trafficking ring is arrested in Cyprus:

Poor people from Eastern Europe, Russia, Central Asia and Turkey were paid thousands of euros for their kidneys. A prosecutor said they were left without proper medical care and were treated "like waste."


An Israeli man convicted of international human organ trafficking walked free on Tuesday, after Russian authorities failed to challenge a Larnaca judge who dismissed an extradition request:


Nie wiem ile w tym wszystkim winy tej dziewczy, ale nie dodaje sie tutaj tyle rzeczy, a do tego zachowanie tych tych gowniarzy (motyw imprezy w Izraelu i tych hasel), mediow (wyobrazcie sobie gdyby to jacys Polacy zgwalcili Zydowke) i final calej historii....niezle:

Post po poscie (wystarczy scrollowac), sledzi sie jak najlepszy dramat prosto z tabloidow. Jak to mowia: Jak trwoga to...spierdalasz do Izraela i masz wyjebongo, bo plemie wszystko zalatwi :)

Edit. Finalnie dziewczyne oczyszczono z zarzutow, ale cyrku juz nikt nie cofnie.

i dalej:

Two Israelis Arrested in Crete on Suspicion of Raping a German Tourist The men, in their 30, were taken into custody while on vacation in Hersonissos; their attorney claims allegations against them are 'complete libel'

sprzed kilku dni:


Byly szef Mossadu mowi, ze nie wie, czy Izrael ma glowice jadrowe...jedno slowo: Chutzpah.

Since 1958, Israel's had a nuclear weapons program. To this day, they still haven't signed the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. According to the 1961 Foreign Aid Act, this makes them ineligible for US foreign aid. So Israel never publicly acknowledges their nuclear program:

Polcam kazdemu poscrolowac i poczytac calosc, bo koles pieknie poskladal to do kupy - oficjalne informacje, na ktore Zydzi i tak maja wyjebane, i robia co chca, a Goje w USA maja sie grzecznie przygladac i klaskac.

Mowimy o dekadach szpiegowania, zdrady stanu (USA), klamstw, mordu, zastraszania (samego Nixona i USA) i wielu innych sprawach.
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antyhumanista, anarchista bez flagi
1 412
4 450
Za Fb Jewish Libertarians:

Israel election results
BlueWhite 32 (-3)
Likud 31 (-7)
Arabs 13 (+3)
Shas 9 (+1)
YB 9 (+4)
UTJ 8 (-)
Yamina 7 (+1)
Labor 6 (-)
Meretz 5 (+1)

Right 55 (-5)
Left 43 (-2)
Arabs 13 (+3)
YB 9 (+4)

The gleeful left wing media is calling this Netanyahus end. They are counting the Arab party with the Left, but this is somewhat absurd to think such an alliance will happen. There is strong talk of it, but the Arab parties generally oppose being in any "Zionist" government. There are also security concerns. That would put them at 56 and require Yisrael Beitenu. They could afford to lose 4 Arab MKs, but it's hard to see the stability of that. And would Arabs sit with a party that wants them gone?

The military and external vote has likely not come in yet, and should shift a couple seats right, probably giving Likud one back. Likud and Netanyahu have the best options as always, but now he needs to balance YB with the Haredi parties. This has happened before and could again with creative thinking.

Gantz of BlueWhite is open to a unity government, which is what Yisrael Beitenu wants, but only if Netanyahu steps down, which will subject him to prosecution. He would not want to do this. So this leaves reconciling the seemingly irreconcilable, or going to a third election, which would be inadvisable. Liberman (YB) made his gamble, and gained power, but also gave the Arabs 3 more seats. There's no easy answer, but it looks like a bunch of cliches will apply. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. The more things change, the more they stay the same.


Well-Known Member
Israel is the organ harvesting and human trafficking global ringleader, with complicit help from US and Turkey:

Skoro wedlug Talmudu Goje to bydlo to nie ma sie czemu dziwic.

Undercut crime: Israel admits illegal organ harvesting:

In August Sweden’s largest daily newspaper published an article containing grisly evidence suggesting that Israel had been taking Palestinian internal organs. The article, by veteran photojournalist Donald Bostrom, called for an international investigation to discover the facts

Did Israelis kill Palestinians for organs?

Bizarre death of Scottish tourist involves suicide, missing heart

USA: Masowe aresztowania szajki żydowskiej i polityków. Rabini oskarżeni o handel ludzkimi organami:

Accusing Israel of organ harvesting in Haiti:

CNN nieświadomie strzelił gola do izraelskiej bramki, potem olano temat, tylko RT i niezalezne media probowaly o tym mowic:

Izrael się oczywiscie nie przyznał, miejscowi działacze uważali, że bankowo pobierano organy, media natomiast kompletnie zablokowały temat. Na miejscu rządziła Fundacja Clintonów.


Od jakiegos czasu w Izraelu trwa walka o glowne stolki, a ja tylko wrzuce wypowiedz Bibiego sprzed kilku tygodni:

Izraelski premier Benjamin Netanjahu oświadczył we wtorek, że jeśli wygra przyszłotygodniowe wybory parlamentarne, ogłosi aneksję Doliny Jordanu, która jest częścią Zachodniego Brzegu, terenów palestyńskich administrowanych przez Izrael

Ehh, szkoda strzepic ryja. Mozna natomiast porownac jak to sie ma do ruskiej aneksji Krymu i reakcji Zachodu w tej sprawie. No ale wiadomo, sa rowni, rowniejsi i jest narod wybrany.


Nie mam zdania w sprawie 9/11, ale trzeba przyznac, ze cale te zamachy byly Izraelowi na reke jak malo komu:

The Dancing Israelis: FBI Docs Shed Light on Apparent Mossad Foreknowledge of 9/11 Attacks


Blast from the past:

The IDF is also issuing leather-free combat boots and wool-free berets to soldiers who register as vegan, so they can march into battle knowing that no living creature has been harmed in their provisioning

No, takie cos to ja rozumiem, najwazniejsze, ze no animals will be harmed during the palestinian genocide (ok)


Hmm, sa przypadki i sa...well, przypadki:

Sprzed kilku lat:


i 2019:

Drinking fluoridated water during pregnancy may lower IQ in sons, controversial study says

Fluoride Linked to Worse Kidney Function in Teens, but Don't Flip Out

Niech to bedzie nawet przypadek (kompletnie nie siedze w temacie), ale moze po prostu warto nasladowac Zydow w tego typu sprawach? :)


An hour ago, Jeffrey Epstein's ethnicity was removed from his Wiki page, and the page was subsequently protected from anon edits. This move reinforces the Jewish media's effort to portray Epstein as "white."

Zmiany zrobione z Izraela. Jest tego wiecej (np. w sparwie Zydow odpowiedzialnych za komunistyczne zbrodnie w Europie, tez bede to podsylal), tutaj dziala cale lobby w tej sprawie:

A tutaj wspomniany wczesniej przyklad wymazywania przez izraeslkie lobby koszerno-bolszewickich zbrodni ze stron wikipedii:

Jezeli mowa o historii to nic tak nie ksztaltuje opini publicznej jak noti z wiki, niestety.


Izrael kradnie i sprzedaje amerykanska technologie Chinczykom. Skorumpowane i szantazowane elity (patrz. wyspa Epsteina) przymykaja oczy na wszystko, a waszyngtonski sciek robi z tego kase:

Israel profited off of patriot, which predates "their" systems, by selling it to China. They pocketed the profits and reverse-engineered our missiles to make their own.

Z takim przyjacielem USA nie potrzbuje wrogow.


Meet JuIia Reifkind. She works for the lsraeli Embassy in Washington & is connected with several other pro-IsraeI groups, including AlPAC. She does surveillance on college campuses & engages in deceptive propaganda operations, essentially serving as a spy for a foreign state.


ADL ma cala historie szpiegostwa na amerykanskiej ziemi:


Sprzed kilku miesiecy:

Israel begins construction of new Gaza barrier
Six-metre tall fence will prevent Palestinians from infiltrating Israel from the Gaza Strip, prime minister says.


Facebook Is Collaborating With the Israeli Government to Determine What Should Be Censored


Arnon Milchan Admits to Arms Dealing in the '70s

Israeli producer Arnon Milchan has revealed details of his efforts to boost Israel’s alleged nuclear program when he was working in Hollywood during the 1970s and 1980s:

Co w rodzinie to nie zginie:

The New Regency chairman and veteran producer tells the Israeli investigative program "Uvda" that he and others, including Sydney Pollack, secretly assisted the government (...) Once Milchan was on board for the report, he divulged some Hollywood names who were involved in the past, notably American film director and producer Sydney Pollack, who helped in covert acquisitions of arms and sensitive military equipment for Israel, according to Milchan, who refers to him as "a real partner." When asked if Pollack, who died of cancer in 2008, was fully aware of details of the deals, Milchan says that "Pollack knew, but I didn't want to scare him because he's American. … He could have said no. He said no many times. But he also said yes many times."

a Pollacka bardzo zawsze lubilem, zarowno jako aktora i rezysera.

I w sumie ciekaw jestem jaki procent koszernego Holly umoczony jest w tego typu lewe biznesy i powiazania agenturalne z Izraelem.


Some 25% of the revenue of Israel’s lauded high-tech sector comes from shady or fraudulent industries; three-quarters of MKs are said to be in thrall to special interest groups:

Israel over the past ten years, as well as the fact that Israel has become one of the world’s leading exporters of investment scams, stealing an estimated $5 billion to $10 billion per year from victims worldwide.
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Well-Known Member
Gdy religia Holokaustu wkreci sie za mocno:

Advocating for the death of Iranian leaders because they deny the holocaust. Fox takes us inside the Simon Wiesenthal Center where we find an interfaith gathering of "Holy Men" (attended by US special rep. for Iran, Brian Hook) advocating for the assassination of the entire Iranian elite for, among other sins, holocaust denial. Rabbi Marvin Hier.


Z cyklu: Cywilizacja w morzu barbarzynstwa

A committee in Israel on the disappearance of Yemeni children met last week after Israeli media released reports exposing testimonies of doctors who performed unauthorized medical tests on children who went missing shortly after the creation of Israel.

The documents were gathered in 1996-1997 by a Knesset-appointed investigative commission tasked with probing the disappearance of over 1,000 children. The documents said that experiments were conducted on the new immigrants from Yemen and whose fates were unknown to their families.


Israel furious at UN report detailing torture of Palestinian children
Israel’s security forces have been accused by a United Nations monitoring group of torturing and tormenting Palestinian children.


The Israeli army maintains the world’s largest skin bank ... and hardly any of it comes from Israeli people

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Well-Known Member
Izrael to gift that keeps on wiecie, NEVER AGAIN:

Records of Israeli arms sales during Rwandan genocide to remain sealed. Supreme Court denies attorney’s petition to reveal defense exports to the African country, citing risk to national security, foreign relations:

Po raz kolejny naziolskie metody i az chce sie zapytac, czy o to wlasnie w tym wszystkim chodzi - robienie ze wszystkich "faszystow" i shaming patriotyzmu jako prostej drogi do Holokaustu (a co samo w sobie ulatwia zmultikulturowienie i przecwelenie danego kraju), a w tym samym czasie samemu prowadzi sie ultra nacjolska polityke:

Israeli High Court Allows DNA Testing to Prove Judaism. Petition filed by Avigdor Lieberman, Yisrael Beitenu and several individuals asking for the DNA testing to prove Judaism to be disallowed is struck down

Co najlepsze, zdecydowana wiekszosc politykow lewicy w USA nie ma kompletnie problemu z izraelskim nacjonalizmem, a ci z izraelskim paszportem zazwyczaj Syjonizm w pelni wspieraja i to praktycznie we wszystkim. Z jednej strony otwarte granice dla USA (mur z Meksykiem to oczywiscie rasizm) i finalnie wewnetrzna destrukcja pod batem korpo-socjalizmu (Bolszewia 2.0), a z drugiej promowanie narodowo-socjalistycznego ethno-state dla Izraela, najlepiej z murem na kilometr w gore.

Czlowiek z misja od Boga, ktory za wszelka cene zamierza chronic Izrael i Zydow, ale jakos niespecjalnie stara sie chronic USA oraz Amerykanow:

Ostatnia edycja:


Well-Known Member
In the 1950s, waves of new immigrants swept into Israel. To the dismay of the country’s Ashkenazi leaders (those originating from Europe and the US), the great majority were from Arab countries. Levi Eshkol, a later prime minister, expressed a common sentiment when he called them “human rubbish”. Israel, deprived of “good-quality” Jews, was being forced to bring to its shores Arab Jews, seen as just as primitive and dirty as the Palestinians whom Israel had recently succeeded in ethnically cleansing.

Into this deeply racist atmosphere stepped Dr Chaim Sheba, a eugenicist, who believed that the Arabs Jews were bringing along with them diseases that threatened the Ashkenazi Jews.
His obsession was ringworm, an innocuous childhood disease that affects the scalp. He went to the US, collected old military X-ray equipment and zapped tens of thousands of these children’s heads with potentially lethal doses of radiation. The survivors tell of their horrifying experiences during and after the treatment, and of the brothers and sisters they lost at a young age.

But this isn’t just a history lesson exploring an unusual aspect of Israel’s racist underpinnings. The documentary exposes a massive cover-up by the state: many of the children’s medical files – long thought to have been lost – were actually held by one of the doctors involved. Even after this disclosure, the state has continued to refuse the victims access to the files, despite the fact that such access may be vital in helping them receive the correct life-saving treatment, as well as proper compensation.

The final shocking twist is the discovery that all these experiments cost the equivalent of hundreds of millions of dollars in today’s terms – in fact, more than Israel’s entire annual budget at the time. How could Israel have afforded it?

The documentary suggests persuasively that the US, with its own long fascination with eugenics, most likely sub-contracted these experiments to Israel as a way to bypass the increasing domestic legal impediments it faced. The US presumably footed the huge bill. There are a couple of troubling omissions in the documentary itself. The first is that Dr Sheba did not carry out these experiments on Arab Jews only. He also exposed many Palestinian children in Israel to the same huge doses, for the same racist reasons.

The other is that Dr Sheba is still venerated to this day in Israel and has one of the country’s most famous hospitals, the Chaim Sheba Medical Center, named after him. As the documentary makes clear, there was plenty of evidence by the 1950s of the extremely dangerous effects of radiation on humans. What Dr Sheba did was a form of genocide. That he is still honoured in Israel is, to my mind, no different from Germany naming a hospital in Berlin the Josef Mengele Medical Center. But keeping Dr Sheba’s reputation unblemished is, I suspect, important to those who wish to prevent other, even more unseemly skeletons being unearthed over this affair.

While radiation may’ve been considered suitable for ringworm in that era, no one killed children with radiation outside of Israel. The dosage set by Dr. Sheba was far too high and the X-ray machines he used were outmoded and hence the dosage administered could not be calibrated accurately or administered suitably. At that time, many children developed ringworm, a non-lethal condition of fungal origin which affected the scalp. Unlike in other countries, 100,000 Jewish (and Palestinian) Arab children were irradiated in order to treat the condition. While medical protocol of the day directed that no technician receive a dose higher than .5 Roentgen, those treated could received a higher dose. A lethal dose was considered 200 Roentgen. The children treated received individual doses of 350R. Sometimes they received two doses (for a total of 600R). 6,000 of the victims died within the first year or so after treatment. To this day, many of the remaining victims suffer cancers, epilepsy, infertility and other brain disorders.

Nie przemawia do mnie jakos specjalnie takie "glowkowanie", bo jezeli mozna tutaj to mozna tez tlumaczyc zbrodnie Stalinizmu i Nazizmu.

Re-visiting "The Ringworm Affair": X-rays and the Jewish Question in Early Israel

While by no means seeking to apologize for this episode, or re-evaluate it from a medical perspective, Professor Berkowitz wishes to examine it as a cultural-historical phenomenon in the larger context of Jewish history and the history of medicine. He believes that the “Ringworm Affair” can be partly explained by the Jewish prevalence in radiology, and that fact that Jews were among the most enthusiastic proponents of radiation therapies. In other words: it is not surprising that radiology was such a large and central part of the medical scene in Israel. Some of the sentiment against the "Askenazi" State and doctors is directed against what is seen as an insensitive, hyper-modernized approach to medicine, most blatantly revealed in the over-deployment of radiation.



Well-Known Member
@Mercatores Ale wiesz że jesteś na forum gdzie patrzymy na ludzi jako jednostki a nie jako członków narodu takiego czy innego? Rozumiem że chcesz zochydzić Żydostwo bo kilku żydów coś złego zrobiło. Widzę że ci to się nawet udaje patrząc ile likeów dostajesz. Słabe to.


Well-Known Member
@Mercatores Ale wiesz że jesteś na forum gdzie patrzymy

Skoro to Twoj pierwszy post to nie wiem na co grupowo "patrzysz" z reszta forum.

patrzymy na ludzi jako jednostki a nie jako członków narodu takiego czy innego?

I bardzo dobrze, nie wyklucza to natomiast faktu, ze ludzie jako jednostki sa czesto czescia ideologii i roznego trybalizmu. Krytyjuac Syjonizm krytykuje ideolo, a nie pojedynczych "Zydow" (cokolwiek dla Ciebie to okreslenie znaczy) jako calosc, to samo gdy krytykuje podsycana Talmudem "rasowa" koszer-supremacje.

Syjonizm to ideolo, tak samo jak kazde inne, rownie dobrze mozesz isc sie doczepic, ze tu na forum hurtowo jebie sie lewakow, a przeciez na kazdy lewak jest Marksista-Leninista. To samo sie tyczy Islamu, jakos nigdzie nie widze protestow w sprawie krytyki Muzulmanow, wiecej, nawet ten temat mial z zasady jebac Islam i pokazywac Izrael w lepszym swietle.

Rozumiem że chcesz zochydzić Żydostwo bo kilku żydów coś złego zrobiło. Widzę że ci to się nawet udaje patrząc ile likeów dostajesz. Słabe to.

Nie wiem czy kilku, musisz wpierw zdefiniowac co masz na mysli piszac "Zydostwo", od razu zaznaczam, ze mnie element rasowy kompletnie nie interesuje. Syjonizm i Judaizm talmudyczny to ideologie, co najwazniejsze, ideologie jak najbardziej osadzone w Swiecie zarowno historycznej, jak i wspolczesnej polityki.

Patrzac natomiast pod jakim postem sie odezwales - nie wiem czy obrzydzam "Zydostwo", bo np. pisze o tym, ze Biali Syjonisci, krotko po wojnie robili "eksperymenty medyczne" na dzieciakach (takze zreszta Zydach) niczym Nazisci.

O wiadomych kwestiach pisze we wlasciwych tematach, to nie ja je rozpoczalem, a ze glownie sie na nich skupiam? Coz, per capita nikt nie ma takich wplywow w USA (a takze we Francji i UK) jak Syjonisci, a wiec tez wplywow na swiatowa polityke. I uwazam, ze warto o tym mowic. Pisze zreszta tylko i wylacznie z milosci, bo mam kochac swoich "wrogow", "Krol Zydowski" mi tak przykazal i sie tego trzymam. Powaznie mowie :)

Widzę że ci to się nawet udaje patrząc ile likeów dostajesz. Słabe to.

Jezeli dla Ciebie problemem jest sam fakt lajkow w postach, a nie zawartosc samych postow to coz...slabe to.

Sprawa jest prosta, jezeli uwazasz, ze ja cos obrzydzam to po prostu pisz o Syjonizmie oraz Izraelu w superlatywach i ten kraj, a takze ideolo jakim jest Syjonizm (obecnie najblizsze Nazizmowi) promuj tu na forum, zbieraj lajki i tak dalej.

Dalej w temacie Syjonizmu, ktory uwazam za jedno z najwiekszych zagrozen dla pokoju i wolnosci na Globie:

The purpose of Zionism was to "normalize" the Jews against the effects of Judaism, essentially to change a nation of scholars and priests with religious aspirations, to a nation of warriors with nationalist aspirations. Judaism was the disease; Zionism was the cure. The Zionist character is the diametrical opposite of, and overcompensation for, the Jewish character. Jewish are neither nationality, nor a race, ethnicity, tribe, or blood family. Their only common characteristic is their religion. The Zionists however, falsely presented themselves - and still do - as the representatives of the Jewish people.

Thus: Zionism was not the national liberation movement of the Jewish people but the national liberation movement of the Zionists; Israel is not the nation state of the Jewish people as it claims to be but rather the state of its own citizens. Zionist nationalism is unique in that it claims to represent and demands loyalty of people outside of its national borders and citizenship, by virtue of their being born Jewish.

The intellectual origins of Zionism was mostly organic nationalism and Christian Restorationism. Different Zionists also adopted Russian workers' movements, and German Romanticism, and other philosophies popular at the time. A veneer of Judaism was assumed in order to attract Jews to the movement and to present themselves to the Christian restorations as representative of the Jewish people. Zionists elevated to holocaust to the defining moment of Jewish history, and even a defining characteristic of Jewish identity. This instills within receptive Jewish people a binary world view where the choices for the Jewish people are either a Jewish state or annihilation.

The Zionists to this day are consumed with the desire to "never again" be like the traditional Torah Jew. This drives much of their seemingly incomprehensible behavior. The most efficient and effective way to negate Zionism is to deny and refute Israel's claim to represent world Jewry and to be the nation-state of the Jewish people. Israel is the nation-state of its citizens and represents them as any other country does. There is no organic connection between world Jewry and the state of Israel, Israel's connection to world Jewry is only a claim it makes. Once that claim is opposed, Zionism is defeated without a single casualty.
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