[humor] Różne ROTFLE ...


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Meanwhile, it’s 1984 in Sochi
The accusations that Russia's government is behind the call recording intensifies concerns already voiced about the privacy of people attending the Winter Olympics in Sochi. A top Russian official raised the specter of a particularly Orwellian state in comments claiming that Western visitors are intentionally trying to sabotage the success of the event. In an article published Thursday by The Wall Street Journal, Dmitry Kozak, the deputy prime minister responsible for the Olympic preparations, said, "We have surveillance video from the hotels that shows people turn on the shower, direct the nozzle at the wall, and then leave the room for the whole day." The WSJ reporter was whisked away before he could ask follow-up questions.

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12. Jeśli na to wszystko sam nie wpadłeś to nie wróżę ci żadnych rewelacji przy ewentualnej improwizacji na miejscu zdarzenia...

Deleted member 4476

Na oczach 38 milionów osób? Myślę, że wszyscy patrzyli w tym czasie w inną stronę, ale na tym chyba polega sztuka iluzji, na odwróceniu uwagi.
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