Donald Trump: nadzieja libertarian...czy Amerykanski Kukiz?

Czy Donald Trump jest nadzieja na libertarianskie zmiany w USA?

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akapowy dogmatyk
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Po przeczytaniu tego artykulu zaden lib nie powinien juz miec watpliwosci jakim scierwem jest Trump:


Icahn, who Trump had previously suggested could serve as his Treasury secretary, warned that markets will have a "day of reckoning" without fiscal stimulus, and argued that the U.S. government "certainly could do more spending."

(...)explaining that the Republican-controlled body is "obsessed with this deficit to a point that I think it's almost pathological."

While a company would go bankrupt if it owed too much money, the same could not be said of the United States anytime soon, Icahn explained, reiterating that he can't "understand this obsession" that many Republican politicians have with the deficit.

Icahn said. "And I never thought I'd agree completely with guys like (economist Paul) Krugman, but in this sense he's sort of right: I mean, you absolutely need fiscal stimulus in this economy."

Of fellow billionaire Trump, Icahn said the "right-wing establishment" doesn't like him in part because he's a pragmatist. "He's going to do for this economy what should be done," Icahn said.

Trump chce powierzyc wazna rzadowa funkcje szmacie, ktora propsuje Krugmana! Kazdy kto propsuje Krugmana powinien zostac pocwiartowany a jego zwloki rzucone psom na pozarcie.

Walter Block, Lew Rockwell, Justin Raimondo, Cantwell i cala ta libowa zbieranina, ktora popiera Trumpa powinna teraz posypac glowe popiolem i zapierdalac na kolanach na pielgrzymke do grobu Maurycego w ramach srogiej pokuty.


konfederata targowicki
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24 739
Jedyne za co można lubić Trumpa, to za to jakich on ma wrogów. I dla wielu to może być jedyną motywacją do oddania swego głosu na niego. :(

Jak oglądam takie wideo to zastanawiam się, czy oni to robią sami od siebie, czy Trump ich po cichu sponsoruje, by podbić sobie karmę. Przypomina mi się jak w latach 90-tych jeden z muzyków poszedł do biskupa i zaproponował mu kasę, za załatwienie grupki rozmodlonych dewotek przed koncertem, by te z różańcami protestowały przeciwko szatanowi.


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Kolejny się wycofuje, zostaje Trump.

Ohio Gov. John Kasich finally got the memo. Following Donald Trump’s resounding victory in Indiana on Tuesday, NBC and other news outlets are reporting that Kasich will suspend his campaign in a statement in Columbus, Ohio, at 5p.m.

The decision is to drop out is stunning only in that it’s such a reversal from Tuesday night, when the Kasich campaign sent out a memo promising to see the race through. Kasich was the last remaining contender against Trump after Sen. Ted Cruz suspended his campaign Tuesday night following his drubbing in the Hoosier State.

“Tonight’s results are not going to alter Gov. Kasich’s campaign plans,” Kasich chief strategist John Weaver had said in the memo. “Our strategy has been and continues to be one that involves winning the nomination at an open convention.”


konfederata targowicki
12 770
24 739
Mariusz Max Kolonko propsuje Trumpa. Wybrał miłe polskim uszom fragmenty z jego przemówień i posklejał. Hmmm...


antyhumanista, anarchista bez flagi
1 412
4 450
Ten Kolonko to niezły koniunkturalista. Buduje dokładnie taką narrację, jakiej oczekują konserwy w Polsce. Poland stronk.

A Kasich zrezygnował, bo Bóg mu kazał:

I have always said that the Lord has a purpose for me, as he has for everyone. And as I suspend my campaign today, I have renewed faith, deeper faith that the Lord will show me the way forward and fulfill the purpose of my life.
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akapowy dogmatyk
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7 121
Ron Paul o Trumpie:

Interviewer: Some of those voters might have gone over to Donald Trump. He is the frontrunner on the GOP side. The economy is still the most important issue for voters, and he has been most vocal about amending NAFTA, reducing taxes, building a wall between the US and Mexico, and so on. What is it really do you think at the end of the day? What is so appealing here to his voters?

Ron Paul: He has a personality, he has a megaphone, and he is getting the attention, and you don’t have anybody in particular out there talking about the real economic issues. But he is regressive… he is falling backward. He is going to the dark ages of thinking that he can go into mercantilism, protect natural resources, put on tariffs, and just bash and blame everybody else: The Mexicans, the Chinese. That is going to be devastating to the economy – it has nothing to do with freedom. It has to do with the opposite – it is an exaggeration of economic planning that we already have. So he is going in the wrong direction, just as Bernie is, even if they are both tapping into the disenchantment that… a lot of people have with what is happening.

Tylko Ron Paul nie dal sie wyruchac. Reszta libow idzie za Trumpem w ciemno i propsuje idee, ze nie glosowanie na Trumpa to popieranie Hilarzycy. Cyrk!

Król Julian

Well-Known Member
2 125
Tylko Ron Paul nie dal sie wyruchac. Reszta libow idzie za Trumpem w ciemno i propsuje idee, ze nie glosowanie na Trumpa to popieranie Hilarzycy.

A nie jest tak? Przecież na chwilę obecną tylko ta dwójka się liczy (chyba że na konwencji Demokratów zdarzy się cud i Sanders dostanie nominację). Oczywiście, daleki jestem od zachwytu nad Trumpem, choć czasem odczuwam do niego lekką sympatię (jako do polityka). A ta jest, gdy np. czasami wejdę na frondelka i wyczytam, że Trump to V kolumna Putina (czy coś w tym stylu). Czasem się zastanawiam, czy ich szefuńcio Grzesik to kompletny idiota? Przecież artykuły na jego portalu powodują często odczucia przeciwne od chyba oczekiwanych. Ścigają się już z ferajną Sakiewicza w wariactwie.


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BYE GOP: Libertarian Party Registrations DOUBLE In Mass Exodus After Trump Win

It seems that a lot of people actually meant it when they said they would not support Donald Trump. And contrary to the bleating from Trump fans, that's a perfectly legitimate position to which they have a right. Thus we are seeing a frenzy online of people abandoning the party, burning their GOP registrations and, in a few cases, joining a brand new gang.

In the hours after the polls closed in Indiana and it was announced that businessman Donald Trump had won the Republican presidential primary — thereby ending Texas Sen. Ted Cruz's campaign — the Libertarian Party saw a doubling of its new membership applications.

One of the best, most cogent examples of a vote against the nominee comes from investor and Fox News and Fox Business contributor Jonathan Hoenig, who spells out one of the best reasons to abandon the GOP nominee: Trump is against capitalism.

In this context, Donald Trump’s business credentials are exactly what makes him so dangerous. In the minds of voters, Trump represents capitalism. But as was pointed out in this space five years ago, Donald Trump is explicitly anti-capitalist on issues ranging from taxes to anti-trust to trade.

The increase in new donors and members occurred along with a rise in Google searches for "Libertarian Party" and "Gary Johnson" following Trump's win in Indiana. The former New Mexico governor is running to be the Libertarian Party candidate for president.

Ashe Schow's entire article is worth reading. But the bottom line is this. The majority of GOP voters - let me repeat that for Trump fans: the MAJORITY of GOP voters - have rejected Donald Trump. Not in the usual "I prefer my candidate" kind of way. In the "this is something that cannot stand" kind of way. In the "I'm burning my GOP registration" kind of way. In the "#ImWithHer" kind of way.


akapowy dogmatyk
2 705
7 121
BYE GOP: Libertarian Party Registrations DOUBLE In Mass Exodus After Trump Win

It seems that a lot of people actually meant it when they said they would not support Donald Trump. And contrary to the bleating from Trump fans, that's a perfectly legitimate position to which they have a right. Thus we are seeing a frenzy online of people abandoning the party, burning their GOP registrations and, in a few cases, joining a brand new gang.

In the hours after the polls closed in Indiana and it was announced that businessman Donald Trump had won the Republican presidential primary — thereby ending Texas Sen. Ted Cruz's campaign — the Libertarian Party saw a doubling of its new membership applications.

One of the best, most cogent examples of a vote against the nominee comes from investor and Fox News and Fox Business contributor Jonathan Hoenig, who spells out one of the best reasons to abandon the GOP nominee: Trump is against capitalism.

In this context, Donald Trump’s business credentials are exactly what makes him so dangerous. In the minds of voters, Trump represents capitalism. But as was pointed out in this space five years ago, Donald Trump is explicitly anti-capitalist on issues ranging from taxes to anti-trust to trade.

The increase in new donors and members occurred along with a rise in Google searches for "Libertarian Party" and "Gary Johnson" following Trump's win in Indiana. The former New Mexico governor is running to be the Libertarian Party candidate for president.

Ashe Schow's entire article is worth reading. But the bottom line is this. The majority of GOP voters - let me repeat that for Trump fans: the MAJORITY of GOP voters - have rejected Donald Trump. Not in the usual "I prefer my candidate" kind of way. In the "this is something that cannot stand" kind of way. In the "I'm burning my GOP registration" kind of way. In the "#ImWithHer" kind of way.

Niech tylko liby tego nie spierdola i nie wystawiaja znowu tego miekkiego fiutka Johnsona, ktory wygaduje takie kretynstwa:


Pozostali trzej kandydaci sa znacznie lepsi.


Ⓐ hultaj
1 915
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Ale komedia. Były pracownik Goldman Sachs i Soros Mgt., donator partii demokr. będzie zbierał pieniądze na kampanię:

Trump announced that heading up his own personal fundraising operation as national finance chairman will be Steven Mnuchin, a long-time business associate, chairman and CEO of the hedge fund Dune Capital. More importantly, however, he spent 17 years at Goldman Sachs where he was most recently a Partner, having built a fortung of $46 million before launching his own hedge fund.
In addition to Goldman, Mnuchin also worked at Soros Fund Management, whose founder, George Soros, has funded many left-leaning causes. Where it gets even more bizarre is that Mnuchin has donated frequently to Democrats, including to Clinton and Barack Obama.

A tu drugi zawodnik - Paul Manaford będzie poprawiał wizerunek Trumpa. Wcześniej pracował dla Marcosa, Janukowicza i Mobutu (jakoś nie do końca skutecznie). Ciekawy jest przypadek Janukowicza. To raczej nie był faworyt USA.,75399,20026526,lobbysta-tyranow-bedzie-poprawiac-wizerunek-donalda-trumpa.html
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