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Według testów osobowości MBTI jakieś 70-75% kobiet kieruje się emocjami a jedynie 25-30% logiką i faktami.
Ponadto dużo więcej jest mężczyzn o IQ powyżej 120 niż kobiet tak samo jak więcej mężczyzn ma IQ poniżej 90, kobiety są bardziej "normalne". A podejrzewam że ci o skłonnościach wolnościowych mają wyższe IQ od przeciętnego.
Tu kawałek artykułu (po angielsku):

What's It Like To Be A Thinking Woman? What's It Like To Be A Feeling Man?

What's it like when the world expects you to be one way, and you're just the opposite? What's it like to often surprise people, or shock them? What's it like to be a Thinking woman?

Growing up, you identify with boys and men.
Do you know a little girl who pals around with a gang of boys? She's probably a T. Many T women said that when they were young, they played with the boys. "I was considered one of the guys," says Julie, ESTJ. And the guys were the ones I did heavy-duty sharing with, not as feelings, but more as 'What do you think about such and such?'"

Even if they didn't play with boys, Thinking girls usually enjoyed imagining themselves in the positions of men. "Even when I played with the girls, I gave myself the role of the father or the doctor," says Madeline, INTP. And because they identified so strongly with the masculine role, their fathers were especially important figures in their lives. "It was pretty clear that the people who were out there using their T were men," says Jean, INTP. "I valued my father's role much more than my mothers."

You don't identify with girls and women.
"I never got along with my sister, who was sweet, lovable, and innocent - mama's pet," says Julie, ESTJ. "I teased the hell out of her and we fought all the time."

Thinking girls, like Thinking boys, prefer competitive play and learning about how things work. But Thinking girls, unlike Thinking boys, often find themselves in the company of Feeling girls, where the talk and the play is non-competitive and concerned with how people work. And they don't like it.

"I didn't like 'girl talk' about movie stars and periods," says Jan, ISTP. "And even 'women's talk' struck me as strange. I'd listen to my mother and aunts talk about how they dealt with problems with their husbands and families and I'd think, 'That's so dumb, why would you do it that way?'"

"I thought the girls were kind of flitty," says Julie, ESTJ. "When people tell me things, I take it as a truth, but things were always changing with them, and I'd realize that they were talking about one of their feelings rather than a fact."

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