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- 4 882
Bez przesady. Przecież nie ukradł, tylko włożył do torby - może podszedłby do kasy i za to zapłacił... Jako rothbardiański sędzia uznałbym to za złamanie NAPu w stosunku do klienta. Kradzież to by była, gdyby bez zapłaty wyniósł towar poza teren sklepu.
Po raz kolejny Murzyn przegrywa w knock out game. Tym razem nie będzie rewanżu.
Ever since a 1998-2000 report by the United Nations Office on Crime and Drugs ranked South Africa as highest for rapes per capita, it has repeatedly been described as the rape capital of the world: 500,000 rapes a year; one every 17 seconds; one in every two women will be raped in her lifetime. Twenty per cent of men say the victim "asked for it", according to a survey by the anti-violence NGO, CIET. A quarter of men in the Eastern Cape Provinces, when asked anonymously by the Medical Research Council, admitted to raping at least once – three quarters of whom said their victim was under 20, a tenth said under 10. A quarter of schoolboys in Soweto described "jackrolling" – the local term for gang rape – as "fun".
Twenty per cent of men say the victim "asked for it"