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Grand Master Architect
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The Curious Case of Christopher Cantwell

Is this racist turn just a money-making scheme for him? Others believe Chris is actually an undercover agent or confidential informant for the federal government. While I don’t personally believe that about him, having known him pretty well for several years, I understand why they believe that. He fits the bill for an agent provocateur. The advocates of this theory say that Chris came into the libertarian movement advocating for violence against police, but when that didn’t work, he got reassigned to advocate for violence in the white supremacy movement. It wouldn’t be the first time the federal government had a radio host working for them inside the white supremacists.


krzewiciel słuszności
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Tak gwoli ścisłości - jakbyście posłuchali całego wywiadu, to nie wychodzi w nim aż tak tragicznie, no ale cóż, wiadomo.



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Taka mnie myśl naszła, że może Stefan Molyneux miał rację, odpuszczając niejako libertarian. Może ich brak "self knowledge" doprowadza do wzniecania konfliktów między sobą, podczas gdy Stefan ciągle przesuwa granice pojęcia, z kim można rozmawiać i się dogadywać dla dobra cywilizacji.
Cantwell w tym ostatnim filmiku wklejonym przez @tosiabunio mówi dosyć racjonalnie, choć emocjonalnie(co jest zrozumiałe). Może rzeczywiście mu koks zszedł. Koleś wygląda na to, że miał zadatki i pchał się do przemocy nawet jak był w ruchu libertariańskim. Można z tego wysunąć wniosek, że sama ideologia bez pracy nad sobą i "sorting yourself out first" może prowadzić na złe szlaki.


Grand Master Architect
Członek Załogi
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15 158
Some thoughts on Christopher Cantwell:

For years this guy was the deadbeat of the American Libertarian movement. From openly identifying himself as an alcoholic (with no desire for quitting), atheist and asshole to talking about controversial issues like when is violence acceptable against police and government agents - the dude has always been on the fringe.

As some of you know, he was also one of the speakers and promoters of last weekend's Unite The Right rally. He was featured in a report from VICE News and could be seen spouting white nationalist and white supremacist views, anti semitism, and generally being a bigot. In other videos of the weekend Cantwell was seen crying after being pepper sprayed and talking to cops as they assisted him.

My direct experience with Cantwell includes speaking at a conference together in April 2013 and co-hosting Adam Kokesh's live show in the summer of 2013 after Adam went to jail. I lived in the house with Cantwell, did the show with him, and went to the streets of D.C. for man on the street interviews. In that short time it became perfectly clear he was not a stable person. I chalked it up to us simply having different approaches to communicating the message. He tended to be loud and angry and I was the opposite. Also, he drank till he was pissed drunk and in the years since has done meth on his own online show. Again, not a stable person. He needs help.

However, as many people have noted, he has drifted further and further right and is now openly marching in the street with Nazis and other hatemongers. He has also discussed the legitimacy of domestic abuse in a relationship. This guy attempts to act like some tough dude, openly admits to working out to prepare for violence, and is actively encouraging others to do the same. In reality he is both a coward and a person in need of help. I should also note that this fits the exact profile of a person the U.S. government (FBI typically) seeks to recruit as an informant or provocateur.

When we were doing interviews outside of the White House in 2013 I witnessed this dude (the same one screaming about killing cops) literally run away when a cop simply questioned us about filming. Cantwell said "I don't want to deal with this, let's go, let's go". Now this isn't the end of the world but for me it was telling of his character. He puts on a front. Again, fitting the profile of a provocateur.

One final note on him (and then I am done with this dude) regarding his mental health. Cantwell also shared a video talking about his fear of being arrested by police for his violence this weekend. I have seen people laughing at him, stating that he was crying in the video. I know It's difficult to empathize with someone who wants many of us dead but I can do it. However, I don't think he was crying. If you watch the video pay attention to his face and demeanor. This appears to be the face of someone crying but it also appears to me to be the face of someone who may have been snorting meth. I don't say that lightly. I am a former meth addict who loved snorting it. It makes your eyes water, your nose run, and can turn your face red. When you add the fact that he has a history of meth use and is displaying paranoid behavior I consider it to be a high probability he is still using. I only mention this to reiterate that the dude needs help and is likely very unstable.

Don't let disturbed false leaders lead you astray and don't fall for the states engineered race war. They want us divided and then they want us enslaved or dead. If people like Cantwell had their way they would want many of us dead too and I don't doubt that if the extreme left took power they would create death too.

Be skeptical of everyone and focus on empowering yourself and your community. Focus on your own healing.

(Do you guys finally understand why I did not and do not want to to debate this guy? Do you understand how he is damaging to work with or debate or interact with? Especially for liberty minded people trying to grow the message?)


Well-Known Member
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Po tym co odwala Cantwell, co mówi i z kim się zadaje, nie jestem pewien, czy dawanie mu mikrofonu to najlepszy pomysł dla kogoś z libertariańskiego kręgu.


akapowy dogmatyk
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Cantwell płacze i niektórzy mają z niego polewkę (nieuprawnioną IMO, ale nieważne)

Cathy Reisenwitz napisała artykuł o swoich bojach z Cantwellem (jakoś nie chciało mi się jeszcze czytać)

Juz jej odpowiedzialem w komencie bo pierdoli jak potrzaskana, ze Tom Woods to rasista. No kurwa...
BFW, nawet nie wiem kim ta baba jest, ale chyba malo osob ja czyta bo moj koment jest jedyny na tej stronie, LOL.


akapowy dogmatyk
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7 121
Jeśli naprawdę nie wiesz kim ona jest, to proponuję nie ograniczać się tylko do stron Rockwella i libnetu a poszerzyć trochę zbiór libertariańskich źródeł;)

Czytuje tez regularnie, i, i pomniejsze libowe strony polskie. Slucham tez podcastow Thomasa Woodsa. A chyba tylko raz o niej slyszalem i to na libnecie.
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