father Tucker
egoista, marzyciel i czciciel chaosu
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- 6 528
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Co się przejmujesz jakimś komuchem...
"Russian weapons systems are far superior to American ones. American weapons are produced by private companies for the purpose of making vast profits. The capability of the weapons is not the main concern. There are endless cost overruns that raise the price of US weapons into outer space."
As the adulterous partner continues to take their spouse’s property, they are doing so without consent, and so committing robbery. Likewise, and arguably worse, as the adulterous partner continues to share the bed of their spouse, they are doing so without consent, and so committing rape.
Both the roofied partner and the spouse seem like willing sexual partners, but had either been cognizant of what was really happening, they wouldn’t be. Hence, rape.
"I'm an "an anarcho-capitalist, socialist, moderate... I don't know," he told Reason TV in 2014.Novoselić poparł Johnsona
"I'm an "an anarcho-capitalist, socialist, moderate... I don't know," he told Reason TV in 2014.
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