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No i jak taką powiesić? :confused: "Szwedzka" minister d/s rolnictwa (edit: szkolnictwa), niejaka Aida Hadzalic.


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Saffron Burrows

Burrows is a socialist and has spoken of her admiration for French Socialist politician Ségolène Royal.[34] She joined an anti-racism group when she was 11 years old and she went on to become the Vice President of the National Civil Rights Movement. Burrows is a campaigner for disabled rights and equality.

Tak sobie myślę, że ten rekin z Deep Blue Sea zrobił dobrze ;)


sprzedawca niszowych etosów
Członek Załogi
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Aż dziwne, że nikt nie wrzucił jeszcze tej kandydatury...

Ostatnio kiedy znalazłem parodie hymnów, Dubya przypomniał mi o istnieniu Katariny Witt - kochanicy Honeckera vel najpiękniejszej twarzy socjalizmu.

Niby można byłoby powiedzieć, że Witt była zwyczajną oportunistka, która urodziła się w niewłaściwym miejscu i epoce, że chciała zrobić karierę, nawet jeśli wymagałaby ona bycia służką systemu. Z drugiej strony, pojawiają się pogłoski, że donosiła na znajomych, co w sumie też nie byłoby niczym dziwnym w realiach enerdówka. Nie wiem czy Witt zmieniła poglądy polityczne po zjednoczeniu Niemiec i na kogo dziś głosuje. Tak czy owak, nie zastosuję do niej taryfy ulgowej, bo co się nalegitymizowała jednego z podlejszych krajów na świecie (a przy okazji macherów od farmakologii), tego nic nie jest w stanie już wymazać.

Back home, the GDR government had high expectations for its little Kati. She was plied with privileges—like many of the state’s elite athletes at the time—that set her apart from the rest of the common volk and worked to ensure her ongoing loyalty. She was issued a passport and allowed to travel to America, where she was feted at embassy parties and given the paparazzi treatment. She got to jump ahead on East Germany’s 10-year waiting list for a car (her first auto was a blue Lada from the Stasi pool); she received an apartment, an extension to her parents’ home, holidays abroad. In return, she praised communism, telling politicians in 1987, “Our athletes are often admired abroad and asked what is the secret to our success. The answer lies in our sociality democratic society, the GDR. The future is on our side, the side of socialism.” Behind the scenes, as the 2002 publication of 181 pages from her extensive Stasi file revealed, Witt was a “beneficiary” of the regime, cooperating with the secret police during regular meetings and promising not to defect.

The documentary, it should be noted, is not entirely clear on this account. In an interview with The Daily Beast, the film’s directors, Jennifer Arnold and Senain Kheshgi, said they personally perused the public pages of Witt’s file and, according to Kheshgi, “Surprisingly, there was a lot of material in there that was very mundane. It was, ‘Katarina wanted this, she wanted to go here, she had to meet with somebody, somebody met with her,’ recording their conversations. Usually there were just general things in life. Wanting a passport, wanting to get new curtains in her apartment. These were the kinds of things that she was directly communicating with the Stasi on as a beneficiary ... There’s such a slippery slope when you start looking at these categories. Who’s a beneficiary, and who’s a victim?” For her part, Witt has maintained that while she had to meet with her Stasi handlers to answer questions about her life, she never spied for the secret police.

“I was thankful to the system, because I knew I was lucky to be able to be supported in my sport,” Witt says in The Diplomat. “My parents, if they had lived in America, they could have never had the money to pay for the sport. So of course I knew my sport or my career was supported by the state.” Last year, in a piece for Britain’s Daily Mail, Witt wrote, “Looking back, two decades later, it is as if we were living on a different planet, but we never questioned it at the time. The constant control, particularly when it came to traveling abroad, just became a part of my life. ‘We want to protect you,’ was the message ... The rhetoric was all rather comforting in its way. I believed we were a country of fairness and good social values. Would I have wanted to live in another country? A free country? The question never occurred to me. In fact, I probably had even less reason to question than most as I was well treated. Like other leading athletes, I was given rewards for winning. There were financial bonuses, for example, and I was allowed to rent an apartment of my own, even though I was only 19 and not married.”

Komuszka pełną gębą, urody, tym bardziej przy niemieckich standardach niepełnosprawności estetycznej nie można jej było odmówić, choć cudem też żadnym nie była, więc tutaj jest jej miejsce.




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krzewiciel słuszności, Rousseaufob
Członek Załogi
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Jak metalowy kolczyk może złagodzić wrażenie sztuczności? Tego nie pojmuję. Myślałem, że efekt naturalności uzyskuje się np. poprzez rezygnację z obróbki w fotoszopie.
Podoba mi się, że żyjemy w czasach, kiedy naturalność jest efektem specjalnym :) transhumanizm


libnet- kowidiańska tuba w twojej piwnicy!
4 777
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Po porodzie dupa jej urosła i widać, że lala zaczyna powoli iść w szerokość.
Przeciwnie, jak najbardziej kobiece kształty - talia, biodra, zaokrąglone ładne ramiona, na tej focie widzę bardzo ładną sylwetkę. Widzę również, że w obecnych czasach wraca jak zmora duch Twiggy, roszcząc sobie prawo do utrwalenia jako kanon.
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