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W takim razie przepraszam za swój brak znajomości historii Austrii.
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W takim razie przepraszam za swój brak znajomości historii Austrii.
Darwin is known by me far better than Marx. However, I know enough about both Darwinism and Marxism to say that the two originated independently of each other. Darwin appears to know nothing about Marx. Marx did not know anything about Darwin.
Putting the two together seems rather weird. I don’t see anything they have in common. I have read many articles and seen many talks about the influence various scientists have made on Darwin. However, I have never heard anyone associate Darwin with Marx.
Linking Marx with Darwin seems almost as absurd as linking Marx with Edgar Allan Poe, another agnostic (atheist) who lived at the same time as Darwin. The first Poe stories were published at about the same time as “origin of the Species’. ‘The Communist Manifesto’ was written a few short years after Poe died, on a municipal Election Day! Poe was thought to be an atheist, though some of his letters hint that he was an agnostic.
So if I answer your question, then you should tell me whether Marx read any story or poem by Edgar Allan Poe. Maybe you could find some references in ‘Manifesto’ to Ligeai, or to the ‘Black Cat’. ‘Hop Frog ’ is most definitely a tale about the revolution of the working man.
I have read ‘Origin of the Species’ a few times. I read ‘Expression of Emotion in Man and Animals’ twice. I have read work by Richard Dawkins, Stephen Gould and other biologists who write about him. So I think that I know Darwin very well. I have never read any socialist or communist manifesto. I have read up on genetics and I collect fossils on my own. I read a lot about natural history and the scientists who study it. I know right wing morons who claim to know about Darwin, but really don’t.
‘Origin of the Species’ was written about 11 years after ‘The Communist Maniifesto’. So obviously, Marx could not have based anything on Darwin’s work. Chronologically speaking, it is hypothetically possible that Darwin could have been influenced by Marx. However, there is no indication in his book that he got anything from Marx.
If there was any political thinker who influenced Darwin, then it has to be Malthus. Darwin quite definitely brings up the theory of Malthus concerning overpopulation. However, I don’t see anything in Marxism about Malthusian prediction. Marxist and Communists quite definitely IGNORE over population, claiming that all problems stem from inequality in the distribution of wealth. Every time I talk about conservation or ecology to a socialist, they sneer and call me naive. So I don’t even see this connection between Marx and Darwin.
However, there is no Malthusian speculation in the books of Marx. There is no mention of the limitation of resources, the birth rate, or natural disasters in ‘The Communist Manifesto.’ There is no conservation in Marx’s book. Marx appears to have been a people person in the extreme, as in his fantasies there is nothing but people. There is no pathogen, no wild animals, no genetics and no psychology in Marx’s book. At best, It is an educated opinion of what is about to go down in the society of European humans. If someone has read the book and knows otherwise, then tell us. There is nothing Malthusian in ‘The Communist Manifesto’.
Darwin does mention religion, which he believes is emerges from the animal instincts of human beings. Darwin discusses a sort of proto-religion in the behavior of his dog. He makes a comment about God not being necessary to explain human behavior. However, Darwin at least acknowledges the existence of religion. Darwin respects religion enough to reject it for rational reasons. Marx does not really discuss religion at all, except to say that it is the ‘opiate of the masses’. Which would be fine if Marx would at least discuss opium. There is no consideration, even for a moment, that religion is important to people. Marx doesn’t even discuss why religion is so popular. So I don’t think their atheist views have anything to do with the other.
Strangely, Marx does not go on to claim that humans are animals. Marx does not even discuss animal behavior. You can get a whole lot more about human psychology from Darwin than from Marx. Marx treats people as machines, as though their abstract thoughts have no importance at all. Darwin has a very interesting slant on human behavior that he describes in the book, ‘The Expression of Emotion in Man and Animals’. So as far as psychological theory is concerned, I would rather read Darwin than Marx.
Marx assumes that the economic value of an item is determined by the labor ONLY. The capitalist by owning the capitol determines how the labor is allocated. This over simplification flagrantly contradicts the reasoning of Charles Darwin. Darwin hypothesizes the resources ARE limited, that organisms do compete over resources, and that it doesn’t even matter that whether the organism is human or not. Darwin does not even assign an intrinsic value to any item, as the biological value varies with environmental conditions.
Marx did not write about natural history. I don’t think that the natural world even exists to Marx and his intellectual descendants. In the Marxist universe, everything is about people and economics. They assume, very much like the religious right, that there is an infinite flow of wealth that isn’t reaching the masses. The assumption of both Marxists and the religious right is that all material resources are being maliciously tapped by a few capitalists. So I don’t see what, if anything, Darwin could have taken from Marx.
So as many writers have observed over the years, Darwin’s theory flagrantly contradicts Marxism. Marx wrote his theory as a very direct comment on European society, not a treatise on natural history.
Darwin makes distant comments about society and eugenics, He even makes distant comments on race. You will note that Karl Marx never mentions race, genetics or eugenics even once. By ignoring eugenics, Marx is basically saying that eugenics is always wrong. So in this sense Marx is more liberal than Darwin. So how does one deduce that Darwin got anything from Marx?
So perhaps someone else could answer your question better if you told us what you think Darwin got from Marx.
Darwin talks about the work of geologists, biologists, fossil collectors and geographers. He describes his own observations on animals and plants. He doesn’t once mention any politician, statesman or social commentator. He doesn’t mention the queen, the worker or the capitalist even once. He makes comments about human mating habits and class structure. Darwin compares animal and even plant behavior with human behavior.
Darwin mentions the class structure of England in a round about way. One could say that he is for it. However, there is nothing in his book about revolution and the development of society. There is no recommendation of genocide in ‘Origins’. However, some weird variation of Darwinism seems to have worked itself into the beliefs of some right wing loonies.
I hear people talk about Karl Marx. I know rabid socialists and rabid capitalists who refer to Marx. I have read communist and socialist manifestos by the barrel. So you could say that I know of Marxism, not about Marxism. Never the less, I think I have a pretty good idea of what socialists generally know about science, which is not much. I know of NO left winging idiot other than Stephen Gould who sanctions Darwin and his theory. Marx could not have based any of his theory on the works of Darwin because he published his work before Darwin published his work.
Karl Marx did not appear to know about any animal or plant other than European Caucasian humans. He does not seem to know or even care about natural history. He does not mention experiments, observations, or critical analysis. He doesn’t even mention other economists. He states as fact obscure opinions that he pulls out of his ass. He doesn’t say a thing about eugenics or aboriginal peoples. He appears to have developed his entire view of the world from the headlines of British tabloids. He appears to believe in his own omniscience, which he attributes to a type of ESP.
Later socialists adapted a sort of Lamarkian evolution that they worked into their theories. However, this Lamarkian model was definitely not Darwinian. Darwin was condemned later on as a lackey of the ruling class, which in a way is true. However, this reinforces my view that there is no Darwinism in socialism.
Therefore, I can say with just a little authority that Darwin didn’t know a thing about Marxism, or even economics, when he wrote ‘Origin of the Species’. ‘Origin of the Species’ is about the least economic book that I know. It makes no comment about trade, the worker, the proletariat or any other political fantasy developed by Marx. It is a story about breeding, with little political reference at all. Politics is mentioned as just another behavior of the human animal.
The right-wing bird brains claim that Darwin’s theory contradicts Karl Marx.Given that Karl Marx rejects biological inheritance as a factor in societal development, I think they are right (heh-heh) on just this point alone. Marx has some weird belief that there is history is somehow programmed to follow a developmental path that HE has somehow figured out. He never tries explain why society has to develop this way. He extrapolates the future in rather arbitrary ways that can’t be tested. Darwin does not lay out a path that natural history has to follow. He just points out trends that populations tend to follow. In this way, Darwinism and Marxism seem to contradict each other.
Kompilacja wybuchów bomb atomowych.
Białym młodym się nie chce... tym co topią się w morzach biegnąc po socjal chce się jak najbardziej.,banki-i-...jdzie-kryzs-ktory-ogoloci-polakow-z-pieniedzy
"Młodym się nie chce?
Część po prostu nic nie robi, ale u niektórych bezproduktywność bierze się również z faktu, że zostali wepchnięci przez system w robienie rzeczy nieprzysparzających wartości, niekiedy nawet szkodliwych. Jednocześnie u znaczącej części młodego pokolenia panuje swoista pogarda w stosunku do zajęć przyziemnych, lecz pożytecznych oraz fonoholizm (uzależnienie od telefonów – przyp. red.). Źle to rokuje przyszłej produktywności."
"Kolejny problem wiąże się z faktem, że banki i państwa w wielu miejscach zmieniły swoją funkcję z usługowej na pasożytniczą. Do tego dochodzi jeszcze kwestia zadłużenia oraz emisja walut bez pokrycia. Zadłużenie rośnie na poziomie prywatnym, korporacyjnym i publicznym. Byłoby niemożliwe do obsłużenia już obecnie, gdyby nie niskie stopy procentowe sztucznie utrzymywane poprzez skup aktywów. Ten dokonywany jest przez banki centralne za świeżo wyemitowane, pozbawione pokrycia waluty. A kiedy waluta traci cechę rzadkości, zaczyna jednocześnie tracić sens istnienia..."
no to mozna przeczytac w encyklopedii ze opiaty znoszą uczucie bóluWhich would be fine if Marx would at least discuss opium.
która jego wygląd wzorowała na Audrey Hepburn