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sprzedawca niszowych etosów
Członek Załogi
8 902
25 811
Patrz Pan, jeszcze gorzej niż rurkowce! Tylko żreć i żyć, żeby więcej żreć i nie umierać, żeby dalej żreć. Skoro umierają tylko z przyczyn nienaturalnych, to zależy im głównie na bezpieczeństwie. A gdzie w tym jakaś wyższa duchowość, ja się pytam?


Grand Master Architect
Członek Załogi
6 987
15 158
Like any man, Tesla was far from perfect and sometimes had very warped ideas about how the world should operate. One of Tesla’s most disturbing ideas was his belief in using eugenics to purify the human race. In the 1930s, Tesla expressed his belief that the forced sterilization of criminals and the mentally ill — which was occurring in some European countries (most disturbingly Nazi Germany) and in many states in the U.S. — wasn’t going far enough. He believed that by the year 2100 eugenics would be “universally established” as a system of weeding out undesirable people from the population.


Grand Master Architect
Członek Załogi
6 987
15 158
An FBI agent almost shot a Detroit cop on Wednesday at a gas station while filling up. It wasn't the agent or the cop's fault. It was the cop's bosses, who came up with the lame brain idea to simulate a purse snatching and then invite a TV crew to film your reaction Detroit. The immediate supervisor of these cops had no idea this was happening until they called him.
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