Ⓐ hultaj
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Niezły koncert pobożnych życzeń powyżej. Zapomnieli tylko napisać kto za to zapłaci.
Z drugiej strony czy znacie polityka który napisałby że jego kraj dostał za dużo pieniędzy?
My party, and I personally, disagreed fiercely with the May 2010 loan agreement not because you, the citizens of Germany, did not give us enough money but because you gave us much, much more than you should have and our government accepted far, far more than it had a right to.
Z drugiej strony czy znacie polityka który napisałby że jego kraj dostał za dużo pieniędzy?
My party, and I personally, disagreed fiercely with the May 2010 loan agreement not because you, the citizens of Germany, did not give us enough money but because you gave us much, much more than you should have and our government accepted far, far more than it had a right to.