Muzyka socjalistów i etatystów, która Wam się podoba


Grand Master Architect
Członek Załogi
6 982
15 145
O, znalazłem jeszcze jedną wersję high quality:


There is a whisper going around the world -
Worker, don't you hear it?‎
These are the voices of the war ministers!
Worker don't you hear them?‎
Coal and steel producers are whispering,‎
Chemical warfare production is whispering, too
The whisper comes from all continents:‎
"Mobilization against the Soviet Union!‎"

Workers, peasants, pick up those rifles,
Take those guns into your hands!
Annihilate the fascist bandit armies,‎
Set every heart ablaze!‎
Plant your red banners of labor
On every ramp, on every factory!
Then shall arise from the ruins of the old society
The Socialist World Republic!

Workers, hearken, they are going to war
And they yell: "For nation and race!"
This war is the rulers of the world's
Against the working classes!‎
Because the assault against the Soviet Union
Is the thrust into the heart of the revolution.‎
And the war that sweeps through the countries now,‎
Is the war against you - proletarian!‎

Workers, peasants, pick up those rifles,
Take those guns into your hands!
Annihilate the fascist bandit armies,‎
Set every heart ablaze!‎
Plant your red banners of labor
On every ramp, on every factory!
Then shall arise from the ruins of the old society
The Socialist World Republic!

A tu wersja elektroniczna, na żywo:



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