Janusze, którzy skutecznie obronili się przed bandytami


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Mam mieszane uczucia w takich przypadkach. Rodzic mordujący własne dzieci w pewnym sensie koryguje ewolucje. Gen zjeba zostaje wyeliminowany. Gen kobiety która źle dobrała samca również zostaje wyeliminowany. Dotyczy to wszystkich patusów które nie mogą się np. opanować bo dziecko płacze.
ale w sumie pozytywna informacja. Broń palna po raz kolejny zatrzymała przemoc.


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Brazylijska mama z dobrymi odruchami.

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Update: Jak zwykle (9/10?) z takimi filmikami z Brazylii, okazało się, że ta pani pani to żadna Grażyna, tylko policjantka po służbie :mad: Mogłem sprawdzić, już po ruchach widać było, że coś nie gra.

Oczywiście pytanie retoryczne - ciekawe ile takich gagatków by próbowało takich akcji gdyby każda normalna matka mogła nosić stosowne narzędzia.
Ostatnia edycja:


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Update: Jak zwykle (9/10?) z takimi filmikami z Brazylii, okazało się, że ta pani pani to żadna Grażyna, tylko policjantka po służbie :mad: Mogłem sprawdzić, już po ruchach widać było, że coś nie gra.

Tragedii nie ma, ale taka ucieczka za osłonę (samochód) i robienie z siebie celu ukazującego się to duży błąd.
Swoją drogą, niesamowita bezczelność - rozbój w japonkach. Należałaby się dobitka.

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Na załączonym filmiku nie widać, żeby ktoś coś forsował. Raczej wygląda to tak, że facet grzecznie puka do drzwi, a "matka trójki dzieci" otwiera drzwi i strzela, trafiając stojącą za nimi osobę
Więcej szczegółów jest w tekście - staram się streszczać anglojęzyczne materiały, które wrzucam. ;)

Ashley Jones, a mother of three in Anderson County, SC, heard a loud banging on the door of her home. She then saw a man pounding on her glass sliding door near her kitchen. Jones quickly called 911 and grabbed her gun. Despite warning that she had a gun and was ready to use it, the criminal still kicked down her door. That is when Jones pulled the trigger and the scrub ran off. But, Jones did make contact.

“So then he kicks the door in as soon as he kicks the door in and tries to take a step in my house that’s when I shot him and he ran off," she told Fox. “Something just came over me, I got calm and my heart slowed down.”

The mother noted she would have killed the man if she had to and was thankful for her firearm. “I wouldn’t have been able to fight him off. I never thought I would have to shoot that gun, ever,” Jones told the press.​


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11-year-old Alabamian shoots home intruder, mocks him for ‘crying like a little baby’


(Video above: WVTM’s report on 11-year-old Chris Gaither shooting a burglar)

TALLADEGA, Ala. — A Navy SEAL saying made famous in the recent Lone Survivor film goes something like this:

“Never shoot a large caliber man with a small caliber bullet.”

Well, it only took a 9mm round to the leg to reduce one would-be burglar to tears, according to the 11-year-old Alabama boy who pulled the trigger.

Chris Gaither was home alone last week when he heard a noise and realized a man was breaking into his house.

“When he was coming down the stairs, that’s when he told me he was going to kill me, F-you and all that,” Gaither recalls.

The young boy grabbed a 9mm handgun and “told him I was going to kill him and all that, if he didn’t get out of my house.”

The intruder apparently did not take him very seriously, because he continued pillaging the house, ultimately making for the door with a basket full of goods. That’s when Gaither started firing. On the twelfth and final shot the burglar dropped to the ground in agony after catching a bullet in the leg.

“It was a full metal jacket bullet and it went straight through the bag and hit him in his leg,” Gaither said proudly. “And he started crying like a little baby. When I pulled the gun out on him I guess he didn’t think it was a real gun because he didn’t worry about it, he just kept on walking.”

When asked how he became such a crack shot, Gaither calmly explained that he and his step dad “play zombies for target practice.”

Gaither’s mom says they believe the man who broke into the house — who at this point has not been identified by police — has done it before.

“I hope you learned your lesson for trying to come to this house and steal stuff,” Gaither concluded.
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