A ile ważysz, że chcesz więcej mieć kg?Chciałam się pochwalićPrzed chwilą zjadłam pyszny obiadek, który zrobiła polska kucharka.
To było mięso drobniutko mielone, połączone z ryżem, zawinięte w maleńkie listki od kapusty, no takie małe jak listki od sałaty i pachniało cebulką i koperkiem. Potrawa nazywa się gołąbkiZjadłam aż 5 sztuk!Może wreszcie przytyję?
To sukces ta jajecznica!Powoli dochodzę do stwierdzenia, że umiem zrobić jajecznicę. Boczek w kostkę, dorzucić trochę innego tłuszczu, potem cebula do zeszklenia, sól, pieprz, jaja, chwilę mieszać, gotowe.
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Świeża woda kokosowa w Tanzanii
Greg Nuckols napisał:My friends, I've made an earth-shattering discovery.
So, as we all know, there are many amazing cheeses in the world. Unfortunately, nothing quite melts like American cheese, making it the gold standard for cheeseburgers and grilled cheese sandwiches, even though its flavor profile is pretty boring.
However, I figured out a way to make other cheeses behave and melt just as well as American.
The melting ability of cheese is largely influenced by its water content. However, fats and proteins don't like to stay in solution with water. A way to combat that is via the use of sodium citrate, which is basically a cheat code for making cheese sauces.
So, I melted some nice smoked, aged cheddar in with a bit of milk and about a tbsp of sodium citrate to make a very thick cheese sauce, then I poured it out on a parchment-lined baking sheet to cool. After it cooled, I sliced it up, and by God, it melts just like American cheese, while still tasting like a sharp, smoky cheddar.
I plan to experiment more with this technique (and probably document the steps on the 'gram), but I'm pretty elated at this point. This unlocks a whole new world of cheeseburger and grilled cheese possibilities, and it's not all that difficult or time-consuming.