akapowy dogmatyk
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No coz. Teraz za swoje wczesniejsze poparcie dla Trumpa, Rockwell powinien zapierdalac po grochu do Czestochowy... Ja pierdole, ale zjeb z tego Trumpa.
He then said that if he is elected president, he would invade, conquer, and occupy Iran, confiscate their oil reserves, and use the money to give “millions — millions !!!” to “our veterans.”
This has been going on since Bush 41. And the correlation between these trade deficits and the trade deals our elites have negotiated is absolute. Trump says our negotiators have been getting their clocks cleaned by the Japanese, Chinese and Mexicans.
Is he wrong? Or are free trade and open borders now articles of faith, defined dogma, denial of which gets you excommunicated from the party of Gerson and Will?
Od kiedy Ventura to akap?
To bardzo ciekawy i dziwny sojusz. Jedyne skojarzenie które mi przychodzi do głowy to fakt, że zarówno Trump jak i Jessie Ventura mieli problemy z państwem. W obu przypadkach państwo ewidentnie nadużywało wobec nich prawa. Oczywiście oba zdarzenia miały miejsce w innym czasie, oraz powody nacisków służb były inne, ale to jedyne sensowne wytłumaczenie tego poparcia. To tak jak w tym powiedzonku: "wróg mojego wroga jest moim przyjacielem".(John Vibes i Jessie Ventura) popiera Trumpa,
Businessman Donald Trump's plan for the H-1B visa is to make it harder and more expensive for tech companies to replace U.S. workers with foreign help.
The key things Trump is proposing for the H-1B visa include, first, an increase in the prevailing wage, making it more expensive to use H-1B workers. Many visa holders are paid the lowest prevailing wage level set for entry-level positions. Trump doesn't spell out his specific action plan, but some have argued for eliminating lower prevailing-wage levels altogether.
Trump said his proposals will also "improve the number of black, Hispanic and female workers in Silicon Valley who have been passed over in favor of the H-1B program."
Donald Trump atakuje prawo o wizach H-1B (H-1B visa). Wiele korporacji z USA zatrudnia programistów, inżynierów z innych stron świata właśnie w oparciu o wizy H-1B.
p. Trump twierdzi, że to Meksykanie odpowiadają za wzrost przestępczości w USA, a także ich winą są gorsze wyniki gospodarcze USA oraz kryzys na rynku pracy.
Pewnie wierzy też w technologiczne bezrobocie, bo to dokładnie ta sama zasada myślenia.
jaka z Trumpa konserwa?
To solve the problem of illegal immigration, truly drastic measures were necessary: Deport the undocumented en masse. Seize the money they try to send home. Deny citizenship to their U.S.-born children.
“Some are going to have to go,” Trump said in July, when asked if all 11 million-plus undocumented immigrants would have to be deported. “And some, we’re just going to see what happens.”
It’s strange, but it is the triumph of the working class of the Republican Party.”
It would require a massive extension of federal authority into maternity wards and Western Union offices, tracing the parentage of children and money to deny illegal immigrants a comfortable spot in U.S. society.
“Politicians are not going to find them, because they have no clue,” Trump said. “We will find them. We will get them out.”
Trump’s crackdown would also try to stop illegal immigrants from sending money out of the United States, by “impound[ing] all remittance payments derived from illegal wages.” That task could require new checks on those wiring money
Other strategies laid out by Trump seek to lower legal, as well as illegal, immigration.
The American Action Forum, a conservative research organization, estimated that deporting all of the country’s undocumented immigrants would take 20 years and cost between $420 billion and $619 billion. It also found that the move would hurt the economy as workers vanished and would put a vast new strain on the U.S. legal system.
I just heard Trump speak live. It was an awesome experience, like an interwar séance of once-powerful dictators who inspired multitudes, drove countries into the ground, and died grim deaths.