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Deleted member 6341

A massive wave that hit the LaJumet lighthouse off the coast of France on 21 December 1989 - the man in the lighthouse survived.


The picture you can see above was taken in 1989 by Jean Guichard. It shows a lighthouse called Phares dans la Tempere completely swallowed by a giant wave. Interestingly, the name of this lighthouse located on the northwest coast of France translates to “Lighthouse in a storm,” which is exactly what’s portrayed on the picture. The man standing outside the lighthouse is Theodore Malgorne, a lighthouse keeper who patiently waited for rescue while his colleagues were sitting safely inside the structure. Luckily, no one was hurt and the lighthouse itself wasn’t damaged. In fact, it still stands today!

Deleted member 6852

Wędrujące kamienie i głazy w Dolinie Śmierci.
Idą w różnych kierunkach, ale też zakręcają, cofają się
Bywa tak, że kamień nie rusza się nawet kilka lat,
po czym nagle jakiejś nocy zawędruje daleko.
Było kila teorii tego zjawiska, a to pole magnetyczne,
a może mają w sobie magiczną moc?, a może kosmici?
Po wielu latach badań zagadka została rozwiązana,
kamienie poruszają się tylko zimą




Grand Master Architect
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6 987
15 158
In 1930, Augustine Courtauld volunteered to spend the winter alone on the Greenland ice cap, manning a remote weather station. As the snow gradually buried his hut, his supplies steadily dwindled, and his relief party failed to arrive, Courtauld’s journal entries afford us a glimpse into the mind of a man facing death completely alone in the middle of nowhere.



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12 770
24 739
In 1930, Augustine Courtauld volunteered to spend the winter alone on the Greenland ice cap, manning a remote weather station. As the snow gradually buried his hut, his supplies steadily dwindled, and his relief party failed to arrive, Courtauld’s journal entries afford us a glimpse into the mind of a man facing death completely alone in the middle of nowhere.

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