Libertariańska grafika


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She was the first woman, as well as the first Jew, to receive an electoral vote in a United States presidential election. She was the 1972 vice presidential nominee of the Libertarian Party and running mate of John Hospers, when Roger MacBride, a Republican elector from Virginia, cast the historic vote as a faithless elector.


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Dawałem ten wykład w
Jego nazwisko znalazło się w "Panama Papers" i to w związku z tym to przesłuchanie.
Gość ma ciekawe doświadczenia np. w 2014 został porwany przez służby skarbowe na Cyprze.
The former chairman of the Dutch Libertarian Party, Toine Manders has been kidnapped in Cyprus by the FIOD (the Dutch IRS) and is currently locked away in the Netherlands in complete isolation (aside from his lawyer), in an undisclosed location. He is being held for an extended 90-day period, the charges for which are unknown.
W czasie kampanii wyborczej rozrzucał fejkowe banknoty o nominale 14 euro.


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