five miles out
- 8 587
- 15 491
Kurwa, poczułem silną ochotę by ustawić sobie to jako profilowe na fejsie jak mnie już odbanują za 10 dni. Ale nie mogę ryzykowac całkowitej straty konta.
BTW. kawador, przyjedź do Łodzi 11.02.
"The cat sat on the mat."
Congratulations, Mr. Hopkins. Yours is
the first poem to ever have a negative
score on the Pritchard scale. We're not
laughing at you, we're laughing near
you. I don't mind that your poem had a
simple theme. Sometimes the most
beautiful poetry can be about simple
things, like a cat, or a flower or rain.
You see, poetry can come from anything
with the stuff of revelation in it. Just
don't let your poems be ordinary. Now,
who's next?