Kapłan Pustki
- 1 170
- 1 115
Co prawda nie ma obecnie możliwości symulowania akapu, ale można zrobić eksperyment cyfrowy. Czy ktoś by się chciał zabawić w tym wątku w symulacje akapu?
from mesa import Agent, Model
from mesa.time import RandomActivation
from import MultiGrid
import random
# Lista dostępnych wartości dla kategorii
religions = ['religion1', 'religion2', 'religion3']
ideologies = ['ideology1', 'ideology2', 'ideology3']
lifestyles = ['lifestyle1', 'lifestyle2', 'lifestyle3']
reproductive_strategies = ['strategy1', 'strategy2', 'strategy3']
# Lista dostępnych osobowości
personalities = ['aggressive', 'passive', 'rational', 'emotional']
# Lista chorób psychicznych
mental_illnesses = [None, 'depression', 'anxiety', 'bipolar_disorder']
# Lista dostępnych płci
genders = ['male', 'female']
# Lista dostępnych ras
races = ['race1', 'race2', 'race3', 'race4']
# Definicja agenta
class TraderAgent(Agent):
def __init__(self, unique_id, model):
super().__init__(unique_id, model) = random.randint(50, 100) # Pieniądze
self.goods = random.randint(20, 50) # Towary = 0 # Pieniądze wydane na ochronę
self.religion = random.choice(religions) # Przypisana religia
self.ideology = random.choice(ideologies) # Przypisana ideologia = random.choice(lifestyles) # Przypisany styl życia
self.reproductive_strategy = random.choice(reproductive_strategies) # Przypisana strategia rozrodcza
self.personality = random.choice(personalities) # Przypisana osobowość
self.mental_illness = random.choice(mental_illnesses) # Przypisana choroba psychiczna
self.gender = random.choice(genders) # Przypisana płeć
self.race = random.choice(races) # Przypisana rasa
self.age = random.randint(18, 70) # Przypisany wiek
def step(self):
# Wynajęcie ochrony (losowa decyzja zmodyfikowana przez religię, ideologię, styl życia, strategię rozrodczą, osobowość i czynniki biologiczne)
if random.random() < self.hire_security_probability():
# Wybierz losowego agenta do handlu lub wymuszenia
other_agent = self.random.choice(self.model.schedule.agents)
if other_agent != self:
if random.random() < self.coerce_probability():
def hire_security_probability(self):
base_probability = 0.1
if self.religion == 'religion1':
base_probability += 0.1
elif self.ideology == 'ideology1':
base_probability += 0.05
elif == 'lifestyle1':
base_probability -= 0.05
elif self.reproductive_strategy == 'strategy1':
base_probability += 0.05
if self.personality == 'aggressive':
base_probability += 0.1
elif self.personality == 'passive':
base_probability -= 0.05
elif self.personality == 'rational':
base_probability += 0.05
elif self.personality == 'emotional':
base_probability -= 0.05
if self.mental_illness == 'depression':
base_probability -= 0.05
elif self.mental_illness == 'anxiety':
base_probability += 0.1
elif self.mental_illness == 'bipolar_disorder':
base_probability += random.choice([-0.1, 0.1]) # Zmienność nastroju
if self.gender == 'male':
base_probability += 0.05
elif self.gender == 'female':
base_probability -= 0.05
if self.age < 30:
base_probability += 0.05
elif self.age > 50:
base_probability -= 0.05
return base_probability
def coerce_probability(self):
base_probability = 0.05
if self.personality == 'aggressive':
base_probability += 0.15
elif self.personality == 'passive':
base_probability -= 0.05
if self.mental_illness == 'bipolar_disorder' and random.random() < 0.5:
base_probability += 0.1 # Zwiększone ryzyko wymuszenia w stanach maniakalnych
if self.gender == 'male':
base_probability += 0.05
elif self.gender == 'female':
base_probability -= 0.05
if self.age < 30:
base_probability += 0.05
elif self.age > 50:
base_probability -= 0.05
return base_probability
def hire_security(self):
cost = random.randint(5, 15)
if >= cost: -= cost += cost
def voluntary_trade(self, other_agent):
if > 0 and other_agent.goods > 0:
trade_amount = random.randint(1, min(, other_agent.goods)) -= trade_amount
self.goods += trade_amount += trade_amount
other_agent.goods -= trade_amount
def coerce_trade(self, other_agent):
if other_agent.goods > 0:
trade_amount = random.randint(1, other_agent.goods)
other_agent.goods -= trade_amount
self.goods += trade_amount
print(f"Agent {self.unique_id} coerced Agent {other_agent.unique_id} for {trade_amount} goods.")
# Definicja modelu
class TradeModel(Model):
def __init__(self, N):
self.num_agents = N
self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
self.grid = MultiGrid(10, 10, True)
for i in range(self.num_agents):
agent = TraderAgent(i, self)
x = self.random.randrange(self.grid.width)
y = self.random.randrange(self.grid.height)
self.grid.place_agent(agent, (x, y))
def step(self):
# Losowe konflikty i rozwiązania przez sąd
if random.random() < 0.05:
def resolve_conflict(self):
agent1, agent2 = random.sample(self.schedule.agents, 2)
if agent1.goods > 0 and agent2.goods > 0:
winner = random.choice([agent1, agent2])
loser = agent1 if winner == agent2 else agent2
penalty = random.randint(1, min(loser.goods, 10))
loser.goods -= penalty
winner.goods += penalty
print(f"Conflict resolved: Agent {winner.unique_id} wins, Agent {loser.unique_id} loses {penalty} goods.")
# Inicjalizacja modelu
model = TradeModel(10)
# Uruchomienie modelu na kilka kroków
for i in range(10):
for agent in model.schedule.agents:
print(f"Agent {agent.unique_id}: Money = {}, Goods = {agent.goods}, Security = {}, Religion = {agent.religion}, Ideology = {agent.ideology}, Lifestyle = {}, Reproductive Strategy = {agent.reproductive_strategy}, Personality = {agent.personality}, Mental Illness = {agent.mental_illness}, Gender = {agent.gender}, Race = {agent.race}, Age = {agent.age}")