

Well-Known Member
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"The band created an eerie atmosphere. Where I saw them there was a circular "Theatre in the round" in LA.. Stage was going round and round. Started out with Manzarek on organ droning. Then drummer Densmore came in adding a subdued bell sound on cymbal and the two continued with their hypnotic drone. Then suddenly, guitar player Kreuger intruded a shrieking feedback scream. At that point only 3 musicians on the stage but I noted the extreme clarity of their sound and its remarkable volume and power. Finally Morrison came striding down the aisle taking to the stage smoking a joint. He was clearly drunk. He held on to the mic stand for dear life as the stage continued round and round. He looked like he would fall down were there no mic stand to hold onto. Suddenly, he lept into the air with his shamanistic scream launching into "Back Door Man". Will never forget that"



sprzedawca niszowych etosów
Członek Załogi
8 902
25 811

Jest jeszcze alternatywna wersja zdominowana organami Hammonda z bardziej chaotycznym, przypominającym pierwszą stronę "Close to the Edge" pasażem i inaczej poprowadzonym epilogiem obmyślonym raczej na koncerty.


Koniec wieńczy dzieło.

Transatlantic wydał też cover, wzorując się na wersji koncertowej z lat '70, kiedy Yes rozpoczynał ten utwór od dodatkowego "Eclipse" w prologu. Potrójne wniebowstąpienie osiągnięte dzięki gitarze stalowej.


Howe tym instrumentem wykreował sygnaturę mistycyzmu Yesu, tak jak zrobił to pod koniec The Gates of Delirium. Outro Soon jest jednym z najlepszych tego przykładów.


Well-Known Member


"The band created an eerie atmosphere. Where I saw them there was a circular "Theatre in the round" in LA.. Stage was going round and round. Started out with Manzarek on organ droning. Then drummer Densmore came in adding a subdued bell sound on cymbal and the two continued with their hypnotic drone. Then suddenly, guitar player Kreuger intruded a shrieking feedback scream. At that point only 3 musicians on the stage but I noted the extreme clarity of their sound and its remarkable volume and power. Finally Morrison came striding down the aisle taking to the stage smoking a joint. He was clearly drunk. He held on to the mic stand for dear life as the stage continued round and round. He looked like he would fall down were there no mic stand to hold onto. Suddenly, he lept into the air with his shamanistic scream launching into "Back Door Man". Will never forget that"


To był świetny zesp[pół, ale zauważyłem ,że wszyscy dobrzy wokaliści młodo umierali
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