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Deleted member 6852

Ale na forum to nie piszą libertarianki?
trochę o polityce pisze :from_my_cold_dead_hands,
ale może kiedyś więcej było libertarianek.

Deleted member 6852

Znacie jakieś niewiasty o poglądach libertariańsko-propertariańskich?
Ja znam,czytałem o dwóch kobietach : Ayn Rand i Wilder Lane
Wilder Lane popierała libertariańskiego kandydata na prezydenta w 1976,
był nim Roger MacBride.To były ciężkie czasy,
ci którzy wolności bronili byli umierającą rasą.

Zdjęcia Wilder Lane
i Roger MacBride



Deleted member 6564

Ja znam,czytałem o dwóch kobietach : Ayn Rand i Wilder Lane

Kilka cytatów Ayn Rand, o libertarianach:
All kinds of people today call themselves “libertarians,” especially something calling itself the New Right, which consists of hippies who are anarchists instead of leftist collectivists; but anarchists are collectivists. Capitalism is the one system that requires absolute objective law, yet libertarians combine capitalism and anarchism. That’s worse than anything the New Left has proposed. It’s a mockery of philosophy and ideology. They sling slogans and try to ride on two bandwagons. They want to be hippies, but don’t want to preach collectivism because those jobs are already taken. But anarchism is a logical outgrowth of the anti-intellectual side of collectivism. I could deal with a Marxist with a greater chance of reaching some kind of understanding, and with much greater respect. Anarchists are the scum of the intellectual world of the Left, which has given them up. So the Right picks up another leftist discard. That’s the libertarian movement.
They’re not defenders of capitalism. They’re a group of publicity seekers who rush into politics prematurely, because they allegedly want to educate people through a political campaign, which can’t be done. Further, their leadership consists of men of every persuasion, from religious conservatives to anarchists. Most of them are my enemies: they spend their time denouncing me, while plagiarizing my ideas. Now it’s a bad sign for an allegedly pro-capitalist party to start by stealing ideas.
[...]libertarians are a monstrous, disgusting bunch of people: they plagiarize my ideas when that fits their purpose, and denounce me in a more vicious manner than any communist publication when that fits their purpose.
They are perhaps the worst political group today, because they can do the most harm to capitalism, by making it disreputable
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they allegedly want to educate people through a political campaign, which can’t be done.

W punkt. Jak sobie pomyślę o tych wszystkich libertariańskich partyjkach czy nawet Korwinie, to muszę oddać jej rację w tym względzie.

They are perhaps the worst political group today, because they can do the most harm to capitalism, by making it disreputable
Uuuu, antyśmieszkizm.
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