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How Oklahoma judge Donald D. Thompson found himself on the wrong side of the law because of a sex toy.​

It was the stuff of satire, a story that any late night talk show comedian could wrap their arms around: A judge had been charged with indecent exposure for masturbating with a penis pump while on the bench adjudicating cases. Funny, right?

At first blush, it was. But when you peel back the layers of this story, you find a seemingly troubled man with a host of disturbing behaviors that shook up the courts and derailed a long-time legal career.

The Jurist​

Prior to making such humiliating headlines, Donald D. Thompson was a member of the Oklahoma state legislature from 1974 to 1980 and then went on to serve 23 years on the bench as a district judge in Creek County. But everything changed during a 2003 murder trial when a police officer heard strange noises coming from Thompson’s bench as he testified. When he glanced in Thompson’s direction, he noticed what looked like a plastic tube underneath the judge’s robe and became suspicious. During a courtroom break, officers investigated and found the origin of the noises: a penis pump that Thompson had been using while on the bench as witnesses testified. In addition, semen was found on the chair behind the bench, on Thompson’s robes, and on the carpet. After the officers took samples and photographs and presented the evidence of the judge’s masturbatory workplace habits, the Oklahoma Attorney General filed a complaint against him and he was charged with four counts of indecent exposure, which put him at risk of a ten-year prison sentence.

The Penis Pump​

“The grandfather was getting real teary-eyed, and the judge was up there pumping on that pump. It was sickening.” — Lisa Foster
In June 2006, Thompson made his way back into a courtroom after having resigned two years prior — this time as a criminal defendant. During his trial, which lasted almost three weeks, the court heard the lurid details of exactly what had been going on underneath Thompson’s robes and why the former judge became a punch line.

According to the testimony, in 2003, Thompson had exposed himself while presiding over three different trials, two of which were murder cases. While on the bench during State v. Kurt Arnold Vomberg — a case in which the defendant was on trial for shaking his girlfriend’s 21-month-old daughter to death — two separate court employees said they saw Thompson place his penis inside of the pump. Even members of the jury recalled hearing what they thought sounded like a blood pressure cuff, air cushion, or bicycle pump.

However, juror Daniel Greenwood testified that he knew exactly what the judge was doing underneath the bench: “It sounded like a penis pump to me,” he explained. And how could he be so sure? He told the court that he recognized the sound from watching the Austin Powers and Dead Man on Campus movies.

In this same murder case, Thompson had even gone as far as to pump himself up with the sex toy during the heartbreaking testimony of the child’s grandfather. “The grandfather was getting real teary-eyed, and the judge was up there pumping on that pump. It was sickening,” Thompson’s former court reporter, Lisa Foster, told the court. According to Foster, who had been fired by Thompson for cooperating during the investigation against him, between 2001 and 2003, she had seen him expose himself a minimum of 15 times. “I was really shocked and I was kind of scared because it was so bizarre,” she said.


Photo by juliarstudio on DepositPhotos
In addition, several court employees testified that not only had Thompson exposed himself in their presence, but he was also seen shaving and oiling his genitals.

“In 20–20 hindsight, I should have thrown it away.” — Donald D. Thompson
Although Thompson did not admit to the curious conduct he was accused of, he did concede when he testified that there was indeed a penis pump in his courtroom. “It wasn’t something I was hiding,” he said, claiming that the sex toy was given to him as a 50th birthday gag gift from a close friend that he would go fishing with. And while he did claim he squeezed the pump while sitting on the bench, Thompson said he never used the device to actually masturbate — though he recognized that having it at work was a bad idea. “In 20–20 hindsight, I should have thrown it away,” he said.

The Legal Trouble​

Thompson was convicted of four felony counts of indecent exposure after a five-hour jury deliberation. In August 2006, he was sentenced to four years in prison, and was required to register as a sex offender upon release and pay a $40,000 fine.

In 2008, Thompson was released after serving 20 months of his sentence. That same year, he was disbarred, as the Oklahoma Supreme Court found that the seriousness of his conviction warranted severe punishment. “His criminal behavior is not only socially unacceptable, but is an affront to the judicial branch of government and the legal profession,” the court concluded. “Such conduct can do nothing other than to undermine public confidence and trust in the dignity and integrity of the judiciary and the legal profession.”

The conviction not only came with a prison sentence and a loss of reputation and profession: There were also serious financial consequences for Thompson’s behavior above and beyond the legal fees he incurred defending himself. In 2006, the Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System Board of Trustees discontinued his pension — $7,789 per month — and after years of appeal attempts, the Oklahoma Supreme Court agreed with the decision in 2011 because, according to the court’s ruling, “That trial resulted in conviction of felonies. Those felonies violated Mr. Thompson’s oath of office.” He is, however, still able to receive retirement benefits from his time in the state legislature.

This should have been the end of the story, and Thompson should have faded away into obscurity never to be seen in the headlines again. But that didn’t happen. Far from it. Subsequent to his release from prison, Thompson repeatedly found himself in more legal trouble.

“His criminal behavior is not only socially unacceptable, but is an affront to the judicial branch of government and the legal profession.” — Oklahoma Supreme Court
In 2009, Thompson was convicted of actual physical control of a vehicle while under the influence. In July 2011, Thompson was charged with driving under the influence, possession of a controlled dangerous substance after a former felony conviction, and possession of a controlled substance without a prescription after a former felony conviction — all of which were felony charges.

That same year, he was charged with stalking an ex-girlfriend, Angela McClanahan-Fernandez, when he was caught staring at her through binoculars as a cop happened to be helping her with a flat tire. When confronted by police, Thompson claimed he “just wanted to see what was going on.” However, according to the arresting officer, Thompson’s “pants were unzipped and gaping open.”

Just as with the penis pump, Thompson’s behavior toward McClanahan-Fernandez was obsessive and recurring. On two separate occasions, she filed for a protective order against him for disturbing acts like slashing her tires, but because she failed to appear in court both times, the orders were dismissed.

View: https://medium.com/sex-with-a-side-of-quirk/oklahoma-penis-pump-judge-donald-d-thompson-f05923a24b80

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