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Cyberpunk, Polin Edition:
Keynes and Paul Krugman were walking their dogs in the park, and as one of their dogs leaves a steaming pile of shit on the ground Keynes turns to Krugman and says "I will give you $5,000 to eat that dog shit."
Krugman does it and takes the money.
The next day they are in the same park, except this time Krugman says "John I will give you an opportunity to win your money back. $5,000 to eat that pile of shit."
Keynes does it and Krugman gives him the money, the very same bills that were originally Keynes' to begin with.
Then Krugman realizes something and says "John we are such idiots. Both of us ate shit and neither of us has more money than before."
Keynes responds simply, "Yes, but we grew the economy by $10,000."
Přijde doktor na kontrolu do blázince. Na levé posteli leží chlap a dělá, že řídí auto. Doktor ze ho ptá, co dělá? Blázen odpoví: "Jedu do Španělska." Na pravé posteli leží druhý blázen a pod peřinou si honí péro. Doktor se ho ptá, co on dělá? On odpoví: "Vždycky, když Franta jede do Španělska, tak mu šukám starou.
Tłumaczenie Yandex'a mistrzowskie.Yandex jest najciekawszy:
Tłumaczenie Yandex'a mistrzowskie.