akapowy dogmatyk
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Na stronie czesto widze artukyly jegomoscia, ktory zwie sie Paul Craig Roberts:
Dzis z ciekawosci poszukalem info na jego temat...i sie niezle zdziwilem. Wynika z nich, ze jest on przeciwnikiem libertarianizmu, a akapu w szczegolnosci.
fragment: "Laissez Faire economics is a TEA PARTY KOCH BROTHERS Alex Jones agenda , and Alex Jones is an idiot. Libertarian ideas about economics would have turned America to a 3rd world country if not for socialist intervention. That Alex Jones, libertarians want to hack apart. When libertarians spout off about deregulation and free markets kick their ideas to the curb because we already have a deregulated freemarket and without socialism ,THE USA would be like Guatemala ."
"We need to ing productivity back home and corporate America needs a pay cut dealing with USA regulations. Trickle down economics is a lie."
"The notion that free unregulated markets are totally trustworthy is the enormous mistake that former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan made, for which American and European peoples continue to pay. Libertarians endorse this fantastic mistake to the hilt."
"Libertarians are sectarian, and their tolerance does not extend beyond their ideology."
"Libertarians have never figured out that people are the same whether in the government or in the private sector. They will abuse their power regardless of where they perch. That is why government needs to be tied down by the Constitution and the private sector by regulation. Yes, regulation can go too far. Certainly, deregulation has gone too far."
"The ongoing financial crisis from deregulation and ongoing jobs crisis from offshoring constitute empirical evidence that the belief is false that an unfettered private sector is the source of all good."
"And please, no prattle from libertarians about “natural rights.” The only rights we have are rights achieved by centuries of human struggle that we have the wits and strength to retain."
(ten glab nie rozumie nawet czym sa prawa naturalne!)
W 2012 ten kretyn napisal nawet cala ksiazke pod "barwnym" tytulem:
"This book demonstrates that empty world economic theory has failed on its own terms and that its application by policymakers has resulted in the failure of capitalism itself. Pursuing absolute advantage in cheap labor abroad, First World corporations have wrecked the prospects for First World labor, especially in the US, while concentrating income and wealth in a few hands. Financial deregulation has resulted in lost private pensions and homelessness."
"Deregulated capitalism did not create the Mecca prophesied by libertarians and neoliberals, but instead instability, insecurity, and the dissolution of the middle class. Those who mistakenly believed that markets are self-regulating failed to realize simple truths that govern the real world: 1) selfishness, greed, and evil always exist, 2) private power is no better than public power, and 3) power abhors a vacuum.
When the government is not powerful enough to restrain greedy self-serving private interests, those private interests co-opt and assimilate the government - in effect becoming the government. The result is an oligarchy of crony capitalism, not a libertarian free market. If markets are not embedded in society so that they serve a social purpose for all, they will be monopolized by private interests, leading to instability and insecurity."
Wpisac dziada na czarna liste, kopac dol i przygotowac wapno na Dzien Sznura*, a nie publikowac jego wypociny na !!!
* info dla Panow z tajnej policji sledzacych ten watek: to tylko taki zabieg frazeologiczny zrozumialy dla libow, ja nikomu nie groze ;-)
Dzis z ciekawosci poszukalem info na jego temat...i sie niezle zdziwilem. Wynika z nich, ze jest on przeciwnikiem libertarianizmu, a akapu w szczegolnosci.
fragment: "Laissez Faire economics is a TEA PARTY KOCH BROTHERS Alex Jones agenda , and Alex Jones is an idiot. Libertarian ideas about economics would have turned America to a 3rd world country if not for socialist intervention. That Alex Jones, libertarians want to hack apart. When libertarians spout off about deregulation and free markets kick their ideas to the curb because we already have a deregulated freemarket and without socialism ,THE USA would be like Guatemala ."
"We need to ing productivity back home and corporate America needs a pay cut dealing with USA regulations. Trickle down economics is a lie."
"The notion that free unregulated markets are totally trustworthy is the enormous mistake that former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan made, for which American and European peoples continue to pay. Libertarians endorse this fantastic mistake to the hilt."
"Libertarians are sectarian, and their tolerance does not extend beyond their ideology."
"Libertarians have never figured out that people are the same whether in the government or in the private sector. They will abuse their power regardless of where they perch. That is why government needs to be tied down by the Constitution and the private sector by regulation. Yes, regulation can go too far. Certainly, deregulation has gone too far."
"The ongoing financial crisis from deregulation and ongoing jobs crisis from offshoring constitute empirical evidence that the belief is false that an unfettered private sector is the source of all good."
"And please, no prattle from libertarians about “natural rights.” The only rights we have are rights achieved by centuries of human struggle that we have the wits and strength to retain."
(ten glab nie rozumie nawet czym sa prawa naturalne!)
W 2012 ten kretyn napisal nawet cala ksiazke pod "barwnym" tytulem:
"This book demonstrates that empty world economic theory has failed on its own terms and that its application by policymakers has resulted in the failure of capitalism itself. Pursuing absolute advantage in cheap labor abroad, First World corporations have wrecked the prospects for First World labor, especially in the US, while concentrating income and wealth in a few hands. Financial deregulation has resulted in lost private pensions and homelessness."
"Deregulated capitalism did not create the Mecca prophesied by libertarians and neoliberals, but instead instability, insecurity, and the dissolution of the middle class. Those who mistakenly believed that markets are self-regulating failed to realize simple truths that govern the real world: 1) selfishness, greed, and evil always exist, 2) private power is no better than public power, and 3) power abhors a vacuum.
When the government is not powerful enough to restrain greedy self-serving private interests, those private interests co-opt and assimilate the government - in effect becoming the government. The result is an oligarchy of crony capitalism, not a libertarian free market. If markets are not embedded in society so that they serve a social purpose for all, they will be monopolized by private interests, leading to instability and insecurity."
Wpisac dziada na czarna liste, kopac dol i przygotowac wapno na Dzien Sznura*, a nie publikowac jego wypociny na !!!
* info dla Panow z tajnej policji sledzacych ten watek: to tylko taki zabieg frazeologiczny zrozumialy dla libow, ja nikomu nie groze ;-)