Pierwszy komputer kwantowy masakruje najszybszy komputer tradycyjny


Deleted member 427

Nie znam się na tych sprawach, więc w razie czego proszę o komentarz prostujący/wyjaśniający.

Londyński "Financial Times" donosi, że stworzony przez Google'a komputer kwantowy w kilka minut (dokładnie 3 minuty i 20 sekund) robi obliczenia, które najszybszemu na świecie komputerowi konwencjonalnemu o nazwie Summit zajęłyby w przybliżeniu 10 tysięcy lat.

Jeszcze raz: 200 sekund vs 10 tysięcy lat.

Poniżej wklejam fragment artykułu.

Google claims to have built the first quantum computer that can carry out calculations beyond the ability of today’s most powerful supercomputers, a landmark moment that has been hotly anticipated by researchers.

A paper by Google’s researchers seen by the FT, that was briefly posted earlier this week on a Nasa website before being removed, claimed that their processor was able to perform a calculation in three minutes and 20 seconds that would take today’s most advanced classical computer, known as Summit, approximately 10,000 years.

The researchers said this meant the "quantum supremacy", when quantum computers carry out calculations that had previously been impossible, had been achieved.

"This dramatic speed-up relative to all known classical algorithms provides an experimental realisation of quantum supremacy on a computational task and heralds the advent of a much-anticipated computing paradigm," the authors wrote.

"To our knowledge, this experiment marks the first computation that can only be performed on a quantum processor."

The system can only perform a single, highly technical calculation, according to the researchers, and the use of quantum machines to solve practical problems is still years away.

But the Google researchers called it "a milestone towards full-scale quantum computing". They also predicted that the power of quantum machines would expand at a "double exponential rate", compared to the exponential rate of Moore’s Law, which has driven advances in silicon chips in the first era of computing.



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ePUAP was tak nie wyruchał, jak wyrucha was Skynet, kurwa. Aż was kukle kurwa będą swędziały z bólu. To jest dramat kurwa.



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Czy jak komputer korpo-socjalistow z gugle uzyska swiadomosc to tez bedzie lewakiem? Pytanie milenijne.
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Da się to wynająć żeby mi przypomniał hasła do kilku portfeli z BTC?

Deleted member 427

tolep napisał:
Komputery kwantowe nie są uniwersalne, mówiąc z grubsza. Sprawdzają się w niektórych rodzajach obliczeń.

To samo napisali w cytowanym artykule FT:

The system can only perform a single, highly technical calculation, according to the researchers, and the use of quantum machines to solve practical problems is still years away.
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