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Od jakiegoś czasu obserwuję wasze forum, ale postanowiłem napisać dopiero teraz, gdy w internecie znalazłem to:
Jak się na to zapatrujecie jako wolnościowcy i antykomuniści?
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Od jakiegoś czasu obserwuję wasze forum, ale postanowiłem napisać dopiero teraz, gdy w internecie znalazłem to:
Jak się na to zapatrujecie jako wolnościowcy i antykomuniści?
Szczególnie na fragment:
Che was a notable revolutionary, but not a distinguished administrator, and even poorer as an economist. It was Che who led the policy of coercively shifting Cuba from specialization in sugar toward a greater self-sufficiency–an arbitrary and uneconomic gesture that almost wrecked the Cuban economy until Fidel, spurred by the economic realists in Russia, called a halt and reversed the trend. Frustrated as an administrator, realizing that such work was not his forte, Che left Cuba to follow his chosen career of revolutionary, to ignite and spur revolutionary combat throughout Latin America. But before he did so, Che distilled his own experiences to become a distinguished theorist of revolutionary warfare, his book of guerilla warfare coming to rank with the writings of Mao and General Giap in this new and burgeoning discipline.