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Ostatnio natknalem sie na artyukl o ekonomiscie szkoly Astriackiejktopy nazywal sie: Friedrich von Wieser.
Nigdy nie czytalem jego ksiazek wiec nie wiem co o nim myslec, jednak Wikipida ma jakies dziwne, sprzeczne ze soba dane na jego temat:
"Thus Wieser's Social Economics is, in effect, a Communist economy[10] in which, to achieve greater productivity, scarce resources are assigned by an omnipresent, benevolent planner with direct and accurate insight sufficient to know the intensities of satisfactions and needs experienced by individual members of society, which all have exactly the same tastes and the same scales of utility and receive the same incomes. Moreover, their directions are followed without question by a completely docile workforce."
a pare linijek dalej:
"Throughout the first half of the 20th century, Austrian economists were marginalized and found it difficult to find meaningful work. Specifically, while Wieser served as trade minister during the World War, his effectiveness was neutralized by Richard Riedl, minister of energy and a clear proponent of economic interventionism, with only minor matters being left to Wieser's jurisdiction."
To w koncu Wieser byl komuchem (chyba jedynym w Szkole Austrackiej) czy tez byl zwolennikiem liberalizmu gospodarczego i dlatego zostal zmarginalizowany przez zwolennikow interwencjonizmu? Przeciez to sie wyklucza....
Nigdy nie czytalem jego ksiazek wiec nie wiem co o nim myslec, jednak Wikipida ma jakies dziwne, sprzeczne ze soba dane na jego temat:
"Thus Wieser's Social Economics is, in effect, a Communist economy[10] in which, to achieve greater productivity, scarce resources are assigned by an omnipresent, benevolent planner with direct and accurate insight sufficient to know the intensities of satisfactions and needs experienced by individual members of society, which all have exactly the same tastes and the same scales of utility and receive the same incomes. Moreover, their directions are followed without question by a completely docile workforce."
a pare linijek dalej:
"Throughout the first half of the 20th century, Austrian economists were marginalized and found it difficult to find meaningful work. Specifically, while Wieser served as trade minister during the World War, his effectiveness was neutralized by Richard Riedl, minister of energy and a clear proponent of economic interventionism, with only minor matters being left to Wieser's jurisdiction."
To w koncu Wieser byl komuchem (chyba jedynym w Szkole Austrackiej) czy tez byl zwolennikiem liberalizmu gospodarczego i dlatego zostal zmarginalizowany przez zwolennikow interwencjonizmu? Przeciez to sie wyklucza....