akapowy dogmatyk
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Mamy na tym forum liste "spoko ludzi" (libow) oraz "geb do odstrzalu" (otwartych socjalistow), to teraz czas na liste najgorszych mend, czyli etatystow udajacych libertarian! Bo jak wiadomo: 'Chron nas Panie od 'przyjaciol', z wrogami sam sobie poradze!".
A wiec zaczynam liste takich "przyjaciol" wolnosci od Clinta Eastwooda:
He has referred to himself as "too individualistic to be either right-wing or left-wing",[318] describing himself in 1974 as "a political nothing" and "a moderate"[313] and in 1997 as a "libertarian".
"I guess I was a social liberal and fiscal conservative before it became fashionable."[330] Ten years later, in 2009, Eastwood said that he was now a registered Libertarian.
Ale tak naprawde jest on lewacka menda nie szanujaca prawa do broni:
"Eastwood has publicly endorsed gun control since at least 1973. In the April 24, 1973, edition of the Washington Post, the star stated that "I'm for gun legislation myself. I don't hunt."[332] Two years later, in 1975, Eastwood told People magazine that he favors "gun control to some degree".[333] About a year later, Eastwood remarked that "All guns should be registered. I don't think legitimate gun owners would mind that kind of legislation. Right now the furor against a gun law is by gun owners who are overreacting. They're worried that all guns are going to be recalled. It's impossible to take guns out of circulation, and that's why firearms should be registered and mail-order delivery of guns halted."[334] In 1993, he noted that he "... was always a backer" of the Brady Bill, with its federally mandated waiting period.[335] In 1995, Eastwood questioned the purpose of assault weapons. Larry King, the famous television host and newspaper columnist, wrote in the May 22, 1995, edition of USA Today that "My interview with Eastwood will air on 'Larry King Weekend' ... I asked him his thoughts on the NRA and gun control and he said that while people think of him as pro-gun, he has always been in favor of controls. 'Why would anyone need or want an assault weapon?' he said."
Wspiera on tez inwestowanie panstwowej kasy w produkcje filmowa!:
"In August 2010, Eastwood wrote to the British Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, to protest the decision to close the UK Film Council, warning the closure could result in fewer foreign production companies choosing to work in Great Britain."
A jakby bylo tego malo wspomogl w kampani prezydenckiej Romneya a nie Rona Paula.
Szkoda bo naprawde lubie jego filmy, szczegolnie Brudnego Harrego i jego klasyki z Serio Leone.
Drugi falszywy skurkowaniec: Rand Paul
Najczesciej podaje sie za libertarianina i sukcesora "Ron Paul Revolution" a w rzeczywisctosci okazal sie kolejna neo-konserwatywna, pro-wojenna menda:
(P.S. Mi sie tez ISIS nie podoba, ale jak sie chce z nimi walczyc to sie wysyla mercenaries za PRYWATNE pieniadze a nie za pieniadze podatnikow, ktorzy maja ISIS w dupie!)
Chce tez dalej mowic ludziom co im wolno zazywac:
"The younger Paul has long distanced himself from his father’s pro-legalization stances. While campaigning for his father, Rand defended the states-rights positions, but he has since made a point to note that he does not personally favor the legalization of drugs such as heroin and cocaine. He spent much of last year assuring conservatives -- who will be crucial in Iowa, New Hampshire and much of the heartland in 2016 -- that, when it came to drugs, he was on their side." (
Niech sie cwel wali!
Niestety kandydat Partii Libertarianskiej - Gary Johnson to tez miekki wacus:
Q: How would the legalization of heroin actually work?
A: Only addicts would be allowed to get drugs. They would have to get a prescription.
Libertarian jak cholera. Pamietam ze czytalem tez inny wywiad z Garym, w ktorym powiedzial, ze "nigdy nie podpisze ustawy regalizujacej twarde narkotyki". No to niech spada!
I kolejny cieniutki libertarianin z Australii - senator David Leyonhjelm:
"Senator Leyonhjelm believes the same open slather availability could be possible for party drugs, such as ecstasy, as long as it can be proven the only real risk is to the person taking it."
"For hardcore, addictive drugs, the New South Wales politician suggests the Government stop wasting millions on chasing crime gangs peddling drugs and peddle them itself.
Under a “harm minimisation” model, registered addicts would get replacement drugs, such as methadone or “other options”, erasing the need to pay up big to criminals."
Gada jak jakis wimp. Ciezki dragi tylko dla zarejestrowanych i w dodatku sprzedawane tylko przez rzad. Srac na takie pol srodki...
A wiec zaczynam liste takich "przyjaciol" wolnosci od Clinta Eastwooda:
He has referred to himself as "too individualistic to be either right-wing or left-wing",[318] describing himself in 1974 as "a political nothing" and "a moderate"[313] and in 1997 as a "libertarian".
"I guess I was a social liberal and fiscal conservative before it became fashionable."[330] Ten years later, in 2009, Eastwood said that he was now a registered Libertarian.
Ale tak naprawde jest on lewacka menda nie szanujaca prawa do broni:
"Eastwood has publicly endorsed gun control since at least 1973. In the April 24, 1973, edition of the Washington Post, the star stated that "I'm for gun legislation myself. I don't hunt."[332] Two years later, in 1975, Eastwood told People magazine that he favors "gun control to some degree".[333] About a year later, Eastwood remarked that "All guns should be registered. I don't think legitimate gun owners would mind that kind of legislation. Right now the furor against a gun law is by gun owners who are overreacting. They're worried that all guns are going to be recalled. It's impossible to take guns out of circulation, and that's why firearms should be registered and mail-order delivery of guns halted."[334] In 1993, he noted that he "... was always a backer" of the Brady Bill, with its federally mandated waiting period.[335] In 1995, Eastwood questioned the purpose of assault weapons. Larry King, the famous television host and newspaper columnist, wrote in the May 22, 1995, edition of USA Today that "My interview with Eastwood will air on 'Larry King Weekend' ... I asked him his thoughts on the NRA and gun control and he said that while people think of him as pro-gun, he has always been in favor of controls. 'Why would anyone need or want an assault weapon?' he said."
Wspiera on tez inwestowanie panstwowej kasy w produkcje filmowa!:
"In August 2010, Eastwood wrote to the British Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, to protest the decision to close the UK Film Council, warning the closure could result in fewer foreign production companies choosing to work in Great Britain."
A jakby bylo tego malo wspomogl w kampani prezydenckiej Romneya a nie Rona Paula.
Szkoda bo naprawde lubie jego filmy, szczegolnie Brudnego Harrego i jego klasyki z Serio Leone.
Drugi falszywy skurkowaniec: Rand Paul
Najczesciej podaje sie za libertarianina i sukcesora "Ron Paul Revolution" a w rzeczywisctosci okazal sie kolejna neo-konserwatywna, pro-wojenna menda:
(P.S. Mi sie tez ISIS nie podoba, ale jak sie chce z nimi walczyc to sie wysyla mercenaries za PRYWATNE pieniadze a nie za pieniadze podatnikow, ktorzy maja ISIS w dupie!)
Chce tez dalej mowic ludziom co im wolno zazywac:
"The younger Paul has long distanced himself from his father’s pro-legalization stances. While campaigning for his father, Rand defended the states-rights positions, but he has since made a point to note that he does not personally favor the legalization of drugs such as heroin and cocaine. He spent much of last year assuring conservatives -- who will be crucial in Iowa, New Hampshire and much of the heartland in 2016 -- that, when it came to drugs, he was on their side." (
Niech sie cwel wali!
Niestety kandydat Partii Libertarianskiej - Gary Johnson to tez miekki wacus:
Q: How would the legalization of heroin actually work?
A: Only addicts would be allowed to get drugs. They would have to get a prescription.
Libertarian jak cholera. Pamietam ze czytalem tez inny wywiad z Garym, w ktorym powiedzial, ze "nigdy nie podpisze ustawy regalizujacej twarde narkotyki". No to niech spada!
I kolejny cieniutki libertarianin z Australii - senator David Leyonhjelm:
"Senator Leyonhjelm believes the same open slather availability could be possible for party drugs, such as ecstasy, as long as it can be proven the only real risk is to the person taking it."
"For hardcore, addictive drugs, the New South Wales politician suggests the Government stop wasting millions on chasing crime gangs peddling drugs and peddle them itself.
Under a “harm minimisation” model, registered addicts would get replacement drugs, such as methadone or “other options”, erasing the need to pay up big to criminals."
Gada jak jakis wimp. Ciezki dragi tylko dla zarejestrowanych i w dodatku sprzedawane tylko przez rzad. Srac na takie pol srodki...