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    Nowe forum - miejsce na uwagi

    Aby wyświetlił się formularz logowania trzeba odblokować w ghostery Google+ Platform. Już osiągamy taki poziom uzależnienia ? Wolałbym jednak to blokować.
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    Report from the therapy room: Why are Muslims more violent and criminal?

    To co zacytowałeś mówi tyle, że o problemach należy mówić (a autor zrobił na prawdę dobrą analizę problemu z muzłumanami), a nie udawać że ich nie ma (co lubią robić lewacy). A zalecany przez niego sposób rozwiązania problemu jest w ostatnim rozdziale: Solutions
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    Report from the therapy room: Why are Muslims more violent and criminal?

    Solutions My conclusion as a professional psychologist with quite some experience in this area is that growing up in the Muslim culture is mentally unhealthy for several reasons. The cultural norms and traditions create a great deal of aggression, insecurity and religious racism in Muslims...
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    Report from the therapy room: Why are Muslims more violent and criminal?

    Integration vs. Muslim culture I have worked with unintegrated immigrants for more than 10 years – first as a social worker and later as psychologist. My experience is that immigrants need three things to be able to integrate. They need to want it, they need to be allowed and they need to have...
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    Report from the therapy room: Why are Muslims more violent and criminal?

    The Stigmatization Argument The Stigmatization Argument is the silliest argument in the integration debate. For far too long this argument has been allowed to dominate the integration debate “” without being sufficiently challenged, despite the argument’s lack of logic and basic knowledge about...
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    Report from the therapy room: Why are Muslims more violent and criminal?

    Anti-social behaviour vs. poverty The unsuccessful integration of Muslims to the necessary extent in the West may have strong negative consequences in the long run. There exist several explanations for this negative development, of which the false but popular socioeconomic model is the most...
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    Report from the therapy room: Why are Muslims more violent and criminal?

    Sexuality: Men vs. women Muslim men have a very high position in the world – according to Islam and Muslim customs. They are told from birth that as a Muslim they are better human beings in the eyes of both other Muslims and Allah. They also learn through both words and cultural traditions that...
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    Report from the therapy room: Why are Muslims more violent and criminal?

    Muslims vs. non-Muslims A fourth and very important psychological trait concerns Muslims’ identity. While equality and tolerance are promoted as some of our basic values in Western societies, there is a very strong discrimination between Muslims and non-Muslims among Muslims. I am not an expert...
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    Report from the therapy room: Why are Muslims more violent and criminal?

    Victim mentality vs. personal responsibility A third psychological difference concerns the so-called “locus of control”. Locus of control is a psychological term that describes whether people experience their lives as controlled mainly by inner or by outer factors. In Western societies we are...
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    Report from the therapy room: Why are Muslims more violent and criminal?

    Honour vs. insecurity Another big difference between Muslims and Westerners concerns their views of honour. In Western societies we see it as a sign of strength, personal authenticity and an honourable attitude if we are able to face criticism with a calm and clear attitude. Being able to...
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    Report from the therapy room: Why are Muslims more violent and criminal?

    Anger vs. weakness One very big difference between Muslims and Westerners concerns their views of anger. In our Western culture, anger is generally seen as a sign of weakness and lack of control and good style. Whoever experienced the embarrassment of expressing strong anger during, for...
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    "Jeśli możemy uratować choć jedno życie..."

    Jak byłem na rozmowie kwalifikacyjnej w korpo to spotkałem się z zakazem korzystania ze schodów. Nie publiowałbym więc tego zbyt powszechnie, bo jeszcze usłyszymy takie propozycje na serio.
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    O pochodzeniu i motywach Talibów oraz przyczynach przemocy w Pakistanie

    Poprawiłem tytuł. Wcześniej faktycznie był mylący.
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    O pochodzeniu i motywach Talibów oraz przyczynach przemocy w Pakistanie

    Finally we now reach your question, why do the TiTP kill civilians? DISCLAIMER - I DO NOT SUPPORT THESE ACTS, and MERELY trying to explain why they are doing what they are doing. In one simple word...Nyaw aw Badal . It literally means Justice and Revenge - it is the Pashtun code of 2 eyes for...
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    O pochodzeniu i motywach Talibów oraz przyczynach przemocy w Pakistanie

    A really great ELI5 on the sects, origins and motives of "the Taliban" and its terrorist violence in Pakistan by /u/RajaRajac I am going to do a longish ELI 5, so bear with me. I will link Wiki pages for you to start off your search while I will refer more solid sources at the end of the post...
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    Aplikacja do szyfrowania maili i wiadomości IM

    lepszy od protonmail wydaje się https://tutanota.de/ kod webmaila i aplikacji na androida jest tu: https://github.com/tutao/tutanota
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    O niej mowa: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah_Shahi
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    Brak szyfrowania

    Szyfrowanie w firefoxie działa, trzeba tylko odblokować media. Certyfikat jest wystawiony przez COMODO CA Limited Odcisk SHA-256: 99:8C:75:5B:B0:BC:94:72:84:FA:03:FD:E5:93:0A:A0:F2:83:3E:16:D7:B3:6D:98:09:44:67:46:2C:ED:11:7C @Szynka jeśli przez Tora nie widzisz certyfikatu i musisz zezwalać na...
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